On 12/19/2003 6:46 AM, Matthew Endo wrote:
> Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote:
>>I've just noticed how many of our customers there are here. Christ I'll
>>have to start being polite to you all.
> Nah, we're already used to you.  Except you _did_ require me to rewrap
> your over 80 character line length.
> It's also interesting (read: ironic) to see that you use newsguy.com
> instead of the sometimes flakey gol.com news server.
> Scott, notice how the Organization field is hard coded to read "Global
> Online Japan"?

Now that *is* nostalgic. I haven't used the GOL news server since I used 
to connect using a dialup modem. <g>

And I do remember it was sometimes flaky back then. I had assumed Brett
had fixed that, though.

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com