On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 00:07:55 +0900, Crunch Buttsteak  ...
>On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 23:27:46 +0900, "Dick Muhfukkin Bagswing"
><laugh@my.nuts.wouldja?> wrote:
>>> The only thing I found suspicious about that is that there's a good
>>> chance (in my mind) that Dice's "outburst" was a completely
>>> intentional publicity bid and had nothing to do with emotion or
>>> breaking down.
>>> -Chris
>>On live TV?
>>Maaayyyybe if he wants to come back as mean ol' dirty Dice.
>>Otherwise I wouldn't believe so.
>I think Chris is right. That interview had publicity stunt written all
>over it. The Diceman was never provoked at all. He sat there waiting
>for a chance to say, "fuck" on live TV and it never came so he had to
>invent one. I mean, compared to the shit that he writes and says, what
>was so inflammatory about up a rumor that he'd opened up a gym
>somewhere? Damn Dicey-boy! Answer the question and slip all the
>"fucks" and "cocks" into the routine that you've already had your
>interviewer trained to lead you into, then slip the fuck out the back

I'd be offended too if someone accused me of working in a gym.


"You don't bang it at 11:00pm but on the other hand, you don't play tribal house
when you're headlining a tech-house party"

DJ Mike McKenna talking shit