"Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> I was just thinking last week that Jesus was
> homeless and a freeter.

I bet he squatted in a lot of doorways in his time, too. And knocking over
the merchants' tables in the temple was a very "punk" thing to do -- as in
knocking over the rotting establishment.

> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> > Another thing that's kind of a puzzler is that while most Japanese
> > really *kind* in the Western sense, they are very honest. That might be
> > of the reason why they are so easy to dupe and scam.
> This refers to naive, a belief or expectation that everyone else is honest
> most people used to be but no longer are.

Yep, and that's why dishonest people are very hard to scam -- they expect
everybody to be as dishonest as them. The way to get over on crooked people
is by making them think they are doing the scamming. That's probably why the
nigerian scams are so effective on Japanese corproate types.

Ryan Ginstrom