Re: Chilly weather
On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 21:27:26 +0900, Declan Murphy ...
>Brett Robson wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 18:06:24 +0900, Declan Murphy ...
>>>Brett Robson wrote:
>>>>Got spam coming out of Okazaki, what to visit this guy?
>>>What does a visit normally involve? Do I turn up with boltcutters? A
>>>baseball bat, or should I threaten to make him one of my sammiches?
>>Threaten him with a guiness and introduce him to Toh-sensei, but be sure that he
>> knows why he is being totured.
>How on earth would it be possible to threaten anyone by offering them a
>Guinness? At 360 Yen FFS? Any individual with taste would consider it an
>incentive to spam.
Guiness = the Irish Doctor Pepper.
this guy is interested in spam too,
"No country hides itself behind the paper screen of cultural elitism like Japan,
which, considering they've bought their entire civilisation from other people's
hand-me-downs, is a bit of a liberty."
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