On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 21:27:26 +0900, Declan Murphy  ...
>Brett Robson wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 18:06:24 +0900, Declan Murphy  ...
>>>Brett Robson wrote:
>>>>Got spam coming out of Okazaki, what to visit this guy?
>>>What does a visit normally involve? Do I turn up with boltcutters? A 
>>>baseball bat, or should I threaten to make him one of my sammiches?
>>Threaten him with a guiness and introduce him to Toh-sensei, but be sure that he
>> knows why he is being totured.
>How on earth would it be possible to threaten anyone by offering them a 
>Guinness? At 360 Yen FFS? Any individual with taste would consider it an 
>incentive to spam.

Guiness = the Irish Doctor Pepper.

this guy is interested in spam too, info@xesa.jp


"No country hides itself behind the paper screen of cultural elitism like Japan,
which, considering they've bought their entire civilisation from other people's
hand-me-downs, is a bit of a liberty."