"Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> So why begrudge people on the front who are voicing their misgivings now,
keeping in
> mind they are doing their duty as they had agreed to do? Was there a
clause saying
> they couldn't complain or decide not to reenlist before their service was
up? Did
> their families sign any agreement that they couldn't be worried about
their loved
> ones actually going off to war?

Griping is a right of every soldier, and a skill that most take pride in and
carry out with great skill. I would expect morale to be low with a job like
those guys have, and having been in both active duty and the national guard,
I can bet that those weekend warriors are hating life about now.

However, bitching and moaning when the cameras are rolling is another
matter. From what little footage I've seen, it appears that most of the
soldiers think they are participating in some kind of reality TV show.

Ryan Ginstrom