"Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message

> They don't think it means them, any more than volunteers who joined the
> of France or Germany, or the JSDF, thinks they joined up to fight or die
> wars.

European  "volunteers" or "not volunteers" know it can mean *them*.

> No, the military does. Peruse their home pages even now. Do you see, join
> and prepare to ship off for a year long tour of the Middle East, anywhere?

> http://www.usmc.mil/

I see Rambo the Warrior on the first recruitment page, Ken Kasugi on the
second, that sounds like a TV game...well, I didn't imagine that. The youth
that sign after seeing that page probably expect to fight and become the
talento of the year. Sorry for your country.

I come from another planet :
If you check the page of the Etat-Major, you'll see the number of deaths in
recent operations. That's only 2 in Cote d'Ivoire, but that's enough to
scare a number of
wannabe warriors.

> Yes, but fighting in wars halfway around the world is not what the US
> is normally about.


> >  IRAN 1980
> NIce list. How many of those are wars?

OK, none are wars, like there is no war in Iraq now. Someday you'll explain
me in what the guys that die during military interventions are less dead
that those killed 'at war'.
BTW, why do you complain those guys in post in Irak ? That's an interesting
place, not further from home than Okinawa.