"GOD BLESS AMERICA" <spreading_nippon_news@yahoo.com>, haber iletisinde
sunlari yazdi:d48745bb.0311050715.2f62d85b@posting.google.com...
> Japanese are responsible for the extinction of many Sea creatures.
> Soon there will be no more fish, dolphin, whales, crabs, tuna etc left
> in the ocean and thanks to Japan for all this.

Well, I personally think it is perfectly OK to kill animals for eating or
obtaining raw materials. We've been doing this all around the world for
lamb, chicken, cows, pigs, almost all fishes... List goes on.

What's the difference with dolphins or whales? If they (Japs) eat it or use
it for some other purpose, It is perfectly fine. Japanese can consume a
whale fully, without no leftovers. They can use meat, fat, bone,
intestinals, everything. So, economically it aint wasting.

Other people are killing animals just for fun. Opposing sport hunting I can
understand, but this is different.

What's next? Are we going to ban picking vegetables or herbs? They are alive