On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 05:28:59 GMT, Travers Naran  ...
>Brett Robson wrote:
>> Why are they swimming in rasberry cordial? Does that attract the dolphines.
>Yes.  You use lime cordial to attract pilot whales.

Imagine swimming in it. You'd be all sticky and dogs would follow you around.

>> Ps do you know the kanji for iruka (dolphines), ocean pig.
>I learned that from an anime of all places.

I won't tell you what I learnt.

>Travers Naan                             | Visit the SFTV Science Blunders
>F/T Programmer,P/T Peddler In Lime&Spice | Hall of Infamy!
>New Westminster, British Columbia,       |
>  Canadia, Earth, Milky Whey, etc.       | <www.geocities.com/naran500/>
>"Stand Back! I'm a sprogrammer!"         |

"No country hides itself behind the paper screen of cultural elitism like Japan,
which, considering they've bought their entire civilisation from other people's
hand-me-downs, is a bit of a liberty."