On 10/31/2003 4:58 PM, Haluk wrote:

> "Scott Reynolds" <sar@gol.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
> yazdi:bnt2mk$i5i$2@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp...
>>On 10/31/2003 4:20 PM, Bryan Parker wrote:
>>>Scott Reynolds <sar@gol.com> said:
>>>>On 10/31/2003 5:41 AM, Haluk wrote:
>>>>>"Bryan Parker" <puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
>>>>>>"Haluk" <yokoolebiri@spam.net> said:
>>>>>>>"Scott Reynolds" <sar@gol.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
>>>>>>>>On 10/29/2003 9:32 PM, Haluk wrote:
>>>>>>>>>"Fabian" <lajzar@hotmail.com>, haber iletisinde ?unlar?
>>>>>>>>>>Haluk hu kiteb:
>>>>>>>>>>>"Jean-Marc Desperrier" <jmdesp@alussinan.org>, haber iletisinde
>>>>>>>>>>>sunlari yazdi:bno0q3$4ld$1@reader1.imaginet.fr...
>>>>>>>>>>>>SR wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>The "Computer Management" reports the HD as 128 GB   and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Partition Magic shows it as 131 GB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>185.2 GB is written on the hard disk...
>>>>>>>>>>>>So you go with your 180 Gb disk, but you've been hitting the LBA
>>>>>>>>>>>>adressing limits of 128 Gb.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Back in 94 when disks were beginning to hit the 512 Mo limit,
>>>>>>>>>>>>something revolutionnary designed to avoid this kind of problem,
>>>>>>>>>>>>ever, imagine this, it would go up to 128 Gb !
>>>>>>>>>>>Isn't it somewhat dumb to manufacture 180Gb HDs when there is
> 128Gb
>>>>>>>>>>>limit? just thinking out loud
>>>>>>>>>>I imagine it was also somewhat dumb to build massive 1GB drives
> when
>>>>>>>>>>there was a 512MB limit.
>>>>>>>>>I may be wrong here but I think they have increased the limit (to
> 2Gb
>>>>>>>>>partition for Fat32) than introduced 1GB harddrives. Not sure
> though,
>>>>>>>>>been so long time. Ahh, floppy days, test drive, packman. Anyone
>>>>>>>>>5.25" floppies?
>>>>>>>>Hell, I remember 8" floppies.
>>>>>>>I meant no offense sir... :)
>>>>>>You don't know what I would have given for an 8"
>>>>>>floppy this afternoon!
>>>>>Well If I'm to make a choice here I'd prefer today's 3.5" ones. They
> are
>>>>>compact and more resillient...
>>>>They may be smaller, but they're harder.
>>>Now, where have I heard that a thousand times
>>And did I mention that they last longer?
> We're talking about different things, you know. I'm talking about drives
> you're talking about discs

Are you sure?

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com