Re: The World Cup.
We have a report from the Dynamics Officer that Declan Murphy
has exploded. Flight director confirms that:
>On Jun 11, 8:06?am, The 2-Belo <>
>> And supporting Team USA, while logical on its surface (since I'm a frigging
>> Yank, after all), seems weird to me, you know?
>Just wondering, does it still seem weird? The USA have a pretty good
>chance of a quarter final berth.
They got beat by Ghana, for the second straight Cup. No, it doesn't seem weird
I will say, however, after watching last Thursday's Japan/Denmark match: That
was the finest display of international football I've ever seen from the Samurai
Blue, period. *That* seems weird. For one game, they were brilliant. I wish they
could play with that much discipline all the time.
The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
meow a brimful of asha on a 45 meow
"If you can't be good, be colorful." -- Pete Conrad
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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