Re: 180 GB hard disk partitioning...
This site may help with loads of stuff on it
"SR" <> wrote in message
> I bought a 180 GB Hitachi/IBM hard drive, and now I am attempting the
> partitioning process.
> The HD is connected via an external USB2 case, and the OS is Windows XP.
> The "Computer Management" reports the HD as 128 GB and
> Partition Magic shows it as 131 GB.
> 185.2 GB is written on the hard disk...
> Why do I get a wrong reading? What's the trick to solve this problem?
> Sigi
> PS:
> 7200 rmp, 8 MB cache, 16,000 Yen in Akihabara.
> An additional 3.5 inch USB2/IDE external case was 4,000 Yen.
> Entire combinations fro IO-Date, Buffalo offer 160 GB hard drives for
> Yen.
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