On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 19:26:35 +0300, "Haluk Skywalker"
<yokoolebiri@spam.net> wrote:

>In my part of the world bittorent is not as much popular (frankly it is
>unheard of). So I get by using Kazaa to dl southpark episodes and other
>stuff. But I can't find much Japanese TV programs etc in Kazaa network.
>I googled for bittorent (I heard it here) and the first site I found
>(www.bittorent.com) had some suspicious links (you know the kind that fires
>up a security message and asks whether you trust the stuff from Mainpean -
>GmbH). Now I don't trust anything German since WWI so I click no and
>obviously nothing happens..
>What is the safe way of getting bittorent software? Is it some sort of
>subscription service or a free network? Do you recommend it? Or do you have
>anything else to recommend?
>I have permanent connection to net (256Kbps ADSL) and I'm looking for
>Japanese TV dramas etc. in particular.

I read somewhere that Azureus http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ is
an excellent client, but that  BitTornado
http://bittornado.com/download.html may be a bit easier to use
for the beginner.

Also, make sure to get some kind of IP blocking protection to
use with ALL of your P2P utilities. I've heard that ProtoWall
http://bluetack.co.uk/index.php combined with the Blockist
Manager http://bluetack.co.uk/blm.html is the best way to
protect yourself from "the initials". No P2P application is safe
without something like this installed. It's also been mentioned
that it works with all major P2P apps.