"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message

> "Bryce" <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> wrote:
> > You have a lot less restrictions if you have your own apartment, or
> I
> > say rat hut. If you can get into a 3LDK or bigger you'll feel okay.
> anything
> > smaller and it will work on your mind. If you know someone in Japan,
> > you could advance some cash to them because you'll need to put down
> > 500,000 to 1,000,000 as deposit and first money (free cash for the
> owners).
> That sounds a lot, especially for the sort of places English teachers are
> likely to be looking for. Zero reikin is now common, and shikikin
> (returnable deposit) is usually only one or two months' rent these days.

For a 3LDK or bigger ?