"obakesan" <cjundieseastwd@powerup.com.au> wrote in message
> HiYa
> I'm thinking of getting a IBM s30, but not sure on how it'll cope with
> from a PCMCIA CD-ROM. Anyone out there have one of these and know if the
> will cope with it?

Couldn't actually find an IBM s30 at either the Japanese or US website - so
I presume you meant the x30 or something like that.  Anyway, I guess you'll
talking about a slim notebook that doesn't come with a cd-rom drive

I have one of the Sony C1 picturebooks, which of course don't have cd-rom
drive.  In the handbook it stated that the device would only 'PCMCIA' boot
from a dedicated Sony external cd-rom, which I duly bought, and yes it does!
So you can use the supply recovery discs ONLY if you also buy a Sony-budged
PCMCIA cd-rom drive - great marketing strategy!  I don't know if it will
'boot' from any other branded external drives - I have a very old Pioneer
external drive but it wouldn't read that upon boot-up, only when within

So I guess you could probably effect a similar solution by buying an IBM
branded external drive.  But if that's the case then you might as well buy
the docking station instead.  I'm assuming that perhaps you want to totally
wipe the Japanese partition and install English Windows only.

"Never select "show hidden folders" with someone looking over your shoulder"