"The 2-Belo" <the2belo@msd.biPOKPOKglobe.ne.jp> wrote in message
> I hereby request someone to please explain to me why escalator etiquette
> Osaka/Kobe is completely ass-backwards from that in Nagoya, to wit: in
Osaka and
> Kobe, people stand on the right to allow people to pass on the left, the
> opposite of what I'm used to, so I'm constantly standing on the wrong

I'm guilty of being a middle-space occupier.  This is due in the main to my
gargantuan arse, but also - especially so at this time of year - to the
static electricity that builds up on the escalators. Does anyone else have a
car that tries to electrocute them every autumn (Fall for Sepponians)?

To be honest I must say that the elevator (lift for Austrians) is now my
preferred method of Nagoya building-commute.  Again, in the main due to the
aforementioned arse, and there's nothing quite so satisfying as scoffing
down an Indian lunchtime buffet and then sharing the experience with the
innocent locals...


"never give curry to ducks"