"cc" <cpasuneadresse@spam.com> wrote in message
> "mr.sumo snr." <mr_sumo@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > First and foremost have you installed Service Pack 1 for WinXPee?
> I'm trying to. That does not work well、it seems I can't get everything,
> after 3 trials the drivers are still not installed... Maybe because my
> connection is too slow, or their package is too big, or....
> I certainly don't need 90% of that package's gadgets. If I could find a
> download for only the USB drivers...

In my experience after installing XPee (pre SP1) on a homebuilt computer
with USB 2.0 on the motherboard it recognised every component except the USB
2.0 device.

It was a simple matter of finishing the installation.  Connecting to Windows
Update, and downloading and installing Service Pack 1.  Actually I tell a
lie....I had already previously downloaded the entire service pack 1.  It's
a little known fact that at Windows Update you can actually download all the
updates as if you were downloading a program from www.download.com and then
save the updates to a directory of your choice.  I did this for SP1 some
time ago - when it was first released in fact.

Unfortunately, the SP 1 was on my external USB 2.0 hard disk so the new
computer was unable to read it.  However I had also copried it to an older
firewire/USB 1.1 external hard disk so I installed it from that device.  I
could have just downloaded it again from Windows Update, but this was on a
friend's computer and we were assembling the machine on his kitchen table a
long way from his ADSL connection!  Anyway, once SP1 was installed the
computer had no trouble recognising the USB 2.0 port, hub and the external
hard disk when connected.

> >.  Either way there should be XPee drivers on the
> > supplied cd-rom and/or the maker's homepage. If the motherboard or PCI
> card
> > was purchased in Japan then there'll be driver downloads at the
> > manufacturer's homepage.
> Bought all that in Osaka.
> Nothing on the motherboard CD (except an invitation to win update), They
> don't give any homepage adress, but I haven't yet looked for one on
> That's a good idea.

If you tell me the motherboard manufacturer - the name and model number of
the motherboard usually appers in the first couple of lines of the on-screen
BIOS routine when you switch on the computer.  You may have to switch it on
twice since the monitor sometimes doesn't 'kick-in' until you are half way
through the BIOS the first time - I can probably track down any driver
updates for it.

> Anyway, thank you for trying to help me.
you're welcome - but be aware - I'm obviously carrying a bit of bad karma at
the moment.  I've had three hard disks fail on me in the last 6 weeks.  One
40 gig internal 24 hours after transferring the 28 gigs of MP3 files from
it - phew! One on a 'managed' friend's notebook - two weeks after I made a
complete copy of her entire drive to my computer - phew! And the
aforementioned external USB 2.0 40 gig notebook-sized disk - in the UK -
just after I had copied all my holiday photos from my digital camera to the
drive - but before I'd deleted them form the memory sticks....

"Never give a gun to ducks"