Re: Gaigogu grafitti
John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
> I wrote:
>> > As I understand it, it's not considered essential to wash oneself down
>> > before getting into the onsen (hot spring), because that's running
> water,
>> > but it would be a definite faux pas to not wash oneself down before
> getting
>> > into the sentou (public baths), because that's standing water - not that
>> > many people use the public baths any more, now that everyone has a
> bathroom
>> > of their own at home.
> Kevin Gowen replied:
>> When will you be making your first trip to Japan?
> Oh, you are a wag!
Sometimes I am a scalawag, even.
> But there are people who were born here and lived all
> their lives here who earnestly testify to the truth of the above, my merry
> prankster!
> I've never been to a sentou myself, so I really couldn't say whether people
> wash off more consistently in the sentou than in the hot spring. Not that my
> observations matter much; what's *really* needed is for Eric to resolve the
> matter once and for all by drumming up some statistics...
Oh, I wasn't referring to the bit about washing off. It was the
statement, "not that many people use the public baths any more" that
caught my eye.
Kevin Gowen
"I like old Joe. Joe is a decent fellow,"
- U.S. President Harry S Truman, speaking for all liberals by saying
about Stalin what he should have said about McCarthy
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