Re: Teigin A Walk Down Memory Lane
"Michael Cash" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 12 Aug 2003 22:49:36 +0900, "masayuki yoshida"
> <> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:
> >Yes, the vital issue is very relevant to jurisdictions. Each nation has its own
> >legal system. International laws can be applied to some nations but not to
> >others. Secondly what we have to think seriously is that many war crimes in
> >question were carried out in the previous regime of China (eg, Manchuria) by
> >the previous regime of Japan under totalitarianism. How can you justify for the
> >transferring jurisdiction. Thirdly, why is it that contemporary Japanese have to
> >take a collective responsibility, like in feudal times, for crimes which different
> >individuals committed over 58 years ago.
> I think the Hirasawa case raises a question which, if one gives it
> some thought, may cause people to view the whole broad issue in a
> different light:
> How can one realistically expect Japanese to hold accountable their
> own government for past crimes and abuses of power against the people
> of other nations when they don't even hold accountable the Japanese
> government for current crimes and abuses of power against themselves?
I have to ask some questions for understanding of your account. First
who is "one who can realistically expect"? Can this "one" include Japanese?
Second, who are "they" of "they don't even hold accountable..."?
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