From(投稿者): | "Dorothy" <> |
Newsgroups(投稿グループ): | fj.mail.reader.outlookexpress |
Subject(見出し): | opening dbx file?? |
Date(投稿日時): | Sun, 10 Aug 2003 18:32:14 -0500 |
Organization(所属): | netINS, Inc. |
Message-ID(記事識別符号): | (G) <bh6kv6$g29$> |
I received a large picture in an email, and didn't want to print it, so moved it to a picture file. Now it is labeled pictures.dbx and I don't know what to open it with. Help?? I "wanted" to move it to Photoshop and reduce it to print a smaller picture. dae