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In article <382337481003@>
        JohnFarber928@hotmail.com writes:
 |Path: ns.open-news.com!news.nerimadors.or.jp!news2.dion.ne.jp!news0.dion.ne.jp!jpix!newsfeed.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp!cyclone.bc.net!sjc70.webusenet.com!news.webusenet.com!cyclone01.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com!news01.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com.POSTED!not-for-mail
 |From: JohnFarber928@hotmail.com (John Farber)
 |Newsgroups: japan.admin.announce,japan.admin.feed,japan.admin.feed-check,japan.admin.groups
 |Subject: $$$ PayPal $$$ (by patrick stephens psteph2@lsu.edu)
 |Message-ID: <382337481003@>
 |Lines: 99
 |Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 05:03:44 GMT
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rogers.com
 |X-Trace: news01.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com 1060491824 (Sun, 10 Aug 2003 01:03:44 EDT)
 |NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 01:03:44 EDT
 |Xref: ns.open-news.com japan.admin.announce:2313 japan.admin.feed:1563 japan.admin.feed-check:4646 japan.admin.groups:14743
 |Follow the directions below and in two weeks you'll have up to
 |$20000.00 in your PayPal account. There is a very high rate of
 |participation in the program because of its low investment and high
 |rate of return. Just $5.00 to one person!
 |THAT'S ALL !!!
 |If you are a skeptic and don't think the program will work, I urge
 |you to give it a try anyway! It REALLY WORKS! Why do you
 |think so many people are promoting it ?
 |LOOK AT IT THIS WAY: If the Program is a total failure for you and you
 |never get even $1.00 in return, your total loss will
 |be the $5.00! If you are not yet a paypal member, there is no risk at
 |all!!! If the Program is only moderately successful for
 |you, your PayPal account will have several hundred dollars deposited
 |into it within the next few days! If you actively