Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Aug 2003 06:37:07 +0000 (UTC), mtfester@netscape.net belched
> the alphabet and kept on going with:

I do not belch; I occassionally fart, but I do NOT belch.

>>Well, next time you're here in the US, find their graves and piss on 'em.

> Interesting you should use that expression. A few days ago I remarked

I could have been polite, and said "filter a couple of through your kidneys
onto their graves", I suppose...

> to someone by e-mail that the more deeply I read into the Hirasawa
> case the longer becomes the list of graves I want to piss on. And I
> haven't even read far enough to have an opinion one way or another
> about any possible connection with a 731-related coverup.

Most of the cover-up came decades ago, when the US decided they wanted
the "data" gathered. Silly, considering the accounts I've read indicate
nothing like controlled circumstances, and most of the data the US would
later use in the NASA and high-altitude tests we conducted on our own 
(less lethally and more rigorously), but I suppose at the end of the war,
a bunch of upper-echelon desk warriors have to pad their resumes by taking
charge of something, and making it seem important by calling it 'secret'.
