Re: Japan and Germany
Rindler Sigurd <> wrote:
>> Hmm, you ought to read some of the older accounts of what people used to
>> do in warfare; in terms of %ages of populations, many far exceed Japanese
>> actions in China. And most people don't really bring up the German
> treatment
>> of Russian POWs (such as putting a couple hundred thousand of them behind
>> a wire fence, without jackets, in the Russian winter.) The focus is
>> usually on the camps.
> And the Germans and Japanese in Russian gulags working and dying by the
> thousands in mines and at railway construction sites at arctic temperatures
> with minimal clothing and inadequate food....
Yep. Run-of-the-mill atrocities. You gotta be special to catch the attention
of modern human beings (I'd put a smiley there, but it's inappropriate.)
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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