Re: Monkey-boy is.....Re: Question about japanese college students
In Monkey-boy <> wrote:
> "Daihard" <> wrote in message news:35mVa.4522$YN5.6254@sccrnsc01...
>> Cindy wrote:
>> > Monkey-boy wrote:
>> >
>> >> Yes, he was a super ultra White supremacist who believes every colored
>> >> is inferior animal, just like the mikefester.
>> >
>> > Do you really know what Nazi is? Nazi members are still on the run,
>> > aren't they? Moreover, calling someone Nazi in public is not a proper
>> > thing to do.
>> If he would have gone to college, he would have flunked right away. And
> I'm much more educated than you, little boy.
No, no, Monkey-boys don't travel in schools; you're thinking of fish.
>> you're trying to teach him what are the proper things to say in public.
>> I'd say you're wasting your time.
> You are exactly the one should learn how to speak in public. You are
> so self-conscious ignorant and biased against ordinary Japanese then
Hey, Monkey-boy, why don't you tell him off in Japanese?
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