Re: Americans aren't so lazy after all
Pat Winstanley wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> On Tue 29 Jul 2003 12:03:37p, (Ray Fischer)
>> wrote in news:bg65sp$qc4$
>>> Omphalos <> wrote:
>>>> Angkor <void@what.nop> wrote in
>>>>> "Omphalos" <>
>>>>>> Angkor <void@what.nop> wrote in
>>>>>>>>> The american may have the highest income, or the best choice
>>>>>>>>> of foods, but does he have the best life? More of his people
>>>>>>>>> are in prisons than in any country on earth
>>>>>>>> That's because we actually punish those who break the law.
>>>>>>> That's because you have so many more who break the law than any
>>>>>>> other country on God's earth.
>>>>>> Wrong.
>>>>> You have the highest per capita of your population in prison.
>>>>> You are the most criminal society on the planet - deal with it.
>>>> So what?
>>> Idiot.
>>>> At least we won't end up like Western Europe, where in 50 years the
>>>> population will be half of what it is today while the US will
>>>> continue growing.
>>> Like any other 3rd world country.
>> So, the United States, with the most powerful economy in the world,
>> is a 3rd world nation? You must be some sort of a liberal fanatic.
>> While the United States will continue to experience economic growth
>> over the next few decades, Western Europe will become bankrupt
>> trying to find out how to still pay for all their massive social
>> programs with a lot less people and negative population growth.
>> Europe will continue to see its influence in the world decline even
>> further over the next 50 years even more than it has in the previous
>> 50.
Wow. There's a recession? You're really pushing back the frontiers of
economics, Pat. Now, please tell us how this refutes Omphalos' claim about
the continued growth of the US economy. Please note that over the past 50
years, the US GNP has had an annual real growth rate of 3.5% and an annual
real per capita GNP growth rate of 2%.
Kevin Gowen
"His final words to me were: 'This time I think the Americans are
serious. Bush is not like Clinton. I think this is the end.' "
- Ala'a Makki, the former director of Uday Hussein's television
station, on the Ace of Hearts
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