Re: What is the point of Asuka?
In article <>, Chika <> wrote:
>> >>I seriously think people are overanalyzing Evangelion.
>> > Doesn't that always happen with anything remotely mecha based?
>> Never seen it done with (1) Vandread, (2) Mazinger Z, (3) Macross...
>Look back through the archives for raam. I'm pretty sure I've seen
I don't think it's something about mecha. It's more about what happens when
a series is vague and incomprehensible. People fall all over themselves
trying to make up elaborate theories about what's going on. The harder it is
to understand a show, the more the fans try to analyze it, even though it
might just be hard to understand because it's supposed to be weird, or
because the creators just screwed up and didn't explain things enough.
(Both Tenchi and Eva have books written by the creators outside the series
that tried to explain some of the things they didn't bother putting in the
series itself.)
Ken Arromdee / /
"How pleasant it would be if only we lived a hundred years ago when it was
easy to get servants."
"It would be horrible... We'd be the servants." -- Isaac Asimov
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