John W. wrote:
> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
> news:<bfa5np$c19i1$>...
>> Kaz wrote:
> <snipped>
>> "(yellow) monkey"
> <snipped>
> I liked their first single. After that they fell into a rut.

I don't know any of their songs, but that band was the first time I had
encountered the term.

Kevin Gowen
"[T]he Constitution appears to be fundamentally at odds with
progressive ideals and visions."
- Progressive Critical Race Studies "scholar" Robin West in a 1992 law
journal article (72 B.U.L.Rev. 765) that admits that the Constitution's
emphasis on protecting the liberty of individuals is incompatible with
the goals of the progressive left. The article appears in abbreviated
form in at least one constitutional law textbook used in American law