Perry Lands Again
This morning's DY had a nice two page spread commemorating the 150
anniversary of Commodore Matthew Perry's first landing on mainland Japanese
soil in 1853. The online DY has the features - for today at least (Please don't be surprised if this link fails after
24 hours - Yomiuri Newspapers have about as much idea about maintaining a
decent information archive as the CIA did prior to 9/11).
It's a rather 'potted' history of the events. Nevertheless, I'll have some
fun next week quizzing my JHS students about the dates and places mentioned.
Did anyone else catch the large advertisement on the 2nd page for the book
about the history of commercial whaling - in Japanese of course! I'm
wondering what the tie-in to the feature article is.
"Never give a gun to ducks"
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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