Curt Fischer wrote:
> This may be something that varies from country to country.  The
> feedback
> I have had, from a professional communications class in college, from
> the career placement office of same college, and from a human
> resources
> manager at IBM, all agreed that it is a waste of space to list
> references on your resume.  The career planning office recommended
> bringing a list of references with you to interviews and providing it
> if
> asked, or perhaps even if not.

Every CPO I have known has had the same suggestion.

> Some people felt it was OK to put "References on Request" on your
> resume
> but most felt even that was a waste of space.

It is generally considered that putting "references available upon request"
is inappropriate. It is assumed that you can provide references, hence the
references sheet.

Kevin Gowen
"The US economy accounts for about one-third of global GDP-greater than
the next four countries combined (Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom
and France)."
- "Advancing the National Interest: Australia's Foreign and Trade
Policy White Paper", Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade