On 7/8/2003 1:04 PM, masayuki yoshida wrote:

> Scott Reynolds <sar@gol.com> wrote in message news:<bebb15$ari$1@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp>...

>>I know that John is one of those people who has been taught to believe 
>>-- or perhaps has taught himself to believe -- that the British empire 
>>represents the greatest wrong ever committed in the history of mankind. 
>>It is interesting to ask oneself, however, why today there is a 
>>Commonwealth of Nations of which Britain and several former British 
>>colonies are members, but no Japanese Commonwealth (or perhaps the term 
>>should be Co-prosperity Sphere).
> Did you get an answer?

I got one from Silvio. It was short and to the point.

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com