On 7/8/2003 8:58 AM, obakesan wrote:

> HiYa
> In article <bed0fp$pi2$1@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp>, Scott Reynolds 
> <sar@gol.com> wrote:
>>I for one am very glad that we have opinionated Japanese posters like 
>>Masayuki and Shuji participating in this group. It provides a useful 
> is Masayuki Kaz?

I don't think so. Masayuki is from Nara and Kaz claims to be from Osaka, 
for one thing.

There is also the matter of their writing styles and the content of 
their posts being completely different.

> I kinda like Kaz too
> (Kazu ... ganbatte ne)

I guess there's no accounting for taste. I killfiled Kaz quite some time 

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com