Re: Gifu bombing anniversary?
Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> a reason. In the case of Japan, it is to keep the Hiroshima A-bombing at the
> head of their victimization. Even the A-bombing of Nagasaki takes back seat.
And the people of Nagasaki have been known to resent that.
> And in Hiroshima, you will not hear much about the bomb detonating across the
> street from the headquarters of the 6th Army, on the grounds of Hiroshima
2nd Army. Just a quiblle.
> Castle, or 70% of the casualties being military. There is just vacant land and
> a little plaque on the ground to mark the location of the military
> headquarters.
> No, Japanese cannot be allowed to know too much about those things or why the
> war occurred, or they might not feel so much like victims.
> And if Americans knew about how their fathers and grandfathers in WWII in cases
> weren't behaving much different from the enemy, they might lose their sense of
> justice as well. It's pretty obvious that viewers in Japan were getting a lot
Could you direct me to the non-censored history books that detail the US
treatment of POWs on a mass scale similar to what the Japanese pulled? Or
the US treatment of captive populations, similar to how the Japanese treated
(eg) the Chinese? US medical experiments on captive Japanese soldiers? US
troops forcing their civilians to commit suicide rather than face the ignomy
of capture?
> more balanced view of what happened to ordinary people in Iraq than what people
> in the US did with their flag waving, government mouthpiece news media.
Which ones? The ones criticizing the way the US ran the war?
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