Re: Ok, I was wrong about the Supreme Court
Why are you using Japanese characters in English text? Don't you have a book by
Lunde that explains this stuff?
> the two men involved should have used the legislative process
> of Texas to right what they felt was an unjust law.
That option was not available to them. Although I haven't followed this case,
weren't they arrested and found guilty? If you want to be are lawyer you will
need to understand stuff like this.
>I hasten to add that this issue is one that has been dying on
>the vine for years. Before 1961, all states and D.C. had sodomy statutes.
>By _Bowers_ in 1986, they were only in 24 states and D.C.,
Your use of the word "only" is interesting.
>As far as Scalia's dissenting opinion is concerned, it rightly points out
>that the overturning of _Bowers_ is ludicrous. I quote:
>"Though there is discussion of “fundamental proposition[s],”
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