"Rick" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message news:bcvntq$nmalg$1@ID-82690.news.dfncis.de...
> "Prestonzee" <starbound99REMOVEME@mail.com> wrote in message news:9dJIa.2716$eM5.1038@fe08.atl2.webusenet.com...
> > > http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/A70/FULLRES/A70INFP1.HTM
> >
> > > http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/CP3100/FULLRES/CP31INFFP3.HTM
> >
> >
> > What color is this woman's blouse? I see it as either bright pink or beige.
> > It can only be one. How can these almost identical pictures appear to be so
> > different?
> Light levels.  And white balance isn't set properly in either shot --
> look at the wall behind the subject.  Even with the red cast the
> Canon image has much truer colors.
> RickW

Yup.  Plus: it almost looks like there might be a colored light source
or a light with a mercury filament -- Or something nearby that is very
red, /reflecting/ light.

Or...                        O :-)

Nikon's auto-white bal. sucks btw,  If you have a Nikon that let's you
"Measure" your own white balance "Preset" use it.  That's all models
from CoolPix up to the D-series.  I have a white swatch hanging off the
camera strap of nearly every camera I own.