Kaz <kaz@ivebeenframed.com> wrote:
> <mtfester@netscape.net> wrote in message news:bcsgn8$q44$2@news.Stanford.EDU...
>> Kaz <kaz@ivebeenframed.com> wrote:
>> >> What does this have to do with slapping a police officer?
>> > You know what, those cops are merely the same kind of cops as the cops
>> > who lynched Mr. Rodney King by the freeway in California. The cop
>> At some point, you should avail yourself of a "Kinai-English" dictionary.
>> Rodney King was not "lynched".

> In my "japanese engrish" dictionary, no matter whether he actually
> died or not, beating someone nearly to death is "lynch".

Perhaps you had better find a real dictionary; that is not a definition
of "lynch".
