On Nov 6, 12:32 am, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (obakesan) wrote:
> HiYa
> In article <j9wQk.15$oJ...@read4.inet.fi>, pellicleund...@hotmail.com
> (obakesan) wrote:
> >HiYa
> >In article <c16394d0-12ab-45f5-8a98-f767b9027...@a3g2000prm.googlegroups.com>,
> >"John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>A coworker constantly complained about Obama and praised McCain. He
> >>didn't like me telling him that only one of the candidates grew up in
> >>a middle-class white household, and it ain't McCain.
> >>John W.
> >I know next to nothing about Obama, but I didn't know he grew up in a middle
> >class white household. I thought he was an exchange student form Keenya.
> ok ... I thought I should look it up
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_life_and_career_of_Barack_Obama
> handy stuff this internet thing
> interesting history on the lad. I hope he's not shot by some dope
My wife and I were talking about the nightmare of trying to protect
him for at least 4 years, maybe more. I am, for maybe the first time,
truly ashamed of the way some of my fellow Americans are reacting;
some people are saying some scary stuff (the religious right thinks
he's the anti christ, among other things). You'd think we hadn't
abolished slavery 143 years ago, hadn't had a civil rights movement,
hadn't had The Cosby Show.

John W.