Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>> John W. wrote:
>>> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
>>> news:<bbapp3$7fbg9$>...
>>>> Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>>>>> Why should you not be? You plan not to have children perhaps?
>>>> I plan to have them, but I also plan to teach them to depend on
>>>> themselves
>>>> for their retirement savings and health care, not the state.
>>> Speaking as a parent to non-parent, how, pray tell, do you plan to
>>> accomplish this incredible feat?
>> I would tell them about investment and things called "insurance
>> companies". What makes this an incredible feat?
> Nothing incredible about that.

Exactly. I guess John thinks teaching kids words like "investment" is far
more difficult than teaching them concepts like "entitlement". His appeal to
his status as a parent was absolutely bizarre. Given the age of his sprog, I
think it is safe to say that John and I have spent exactly the same amount
of time teaching our children about planning for their retirement.

> I am investing in my children's names
> myself. I was already a university graduate with summers of earnings
> in the bank (and no debt) before I had as much money as my preschool
> aged children have now.

Good for you. You're smart.

> What is incredible is that you would believe all other Americans to
> be able to do so for themselves and their children, and not incur any
> future debt upon the state or future tax payers.

When did I say I believed anything like that? At any rate, please tell me
how my saving of money and paying for my own insurance makes the state
and/or taxpayers incur debt.

Kevin Gowen