Re: No delay shutter
"itten" <> wrote in message
> I'm looking for a digital camera that has a fairly quick response to
> the shutter. Due to the nature of my work, I need to get a few shots
> off fairly quickly and dont have time to wait for the camera to cycle
> to be ready to take the next shot. Does any one have any ideas?
Hi Itten,
Others may know more but of the cameras I've handeled /recently/ that
being 8 or 10 of the "most popular" under $400, I've /felt/ that the
quickest (in full auto) was the Minolta F-x00 series. They are for
sure faster than most of the others.
> Also
> I'm tired of these super small cameras that I need a magnifing glass to
> read the find the controls. I wan't something fairly hefty but I don't
> want to pay an arm and a leg for it.
But the F-x00 series of which I speak are pretty small.
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