Re: Best gun to defend my house???
On Mar 24, 9:25 am, VtSkier <> wrote:
> pmh wrote:
> Yeahbut, the peashooter doesn't have the
> intimidation value of a 12 Ga. You might
> not even have to use the 12 Ga. That's
> part of the point.
Chances are this scenario will be played out in the dark. Intimidation
is a secondary consideration. Control of the situation should be
uppermost. All being equal, the defender may not need to make actual
use of *anything*. There should be verbal exchanges here, too, both
for immediate communication and for later (if needed) legal defense.
And a 12-GA in close quarters, IF it can be brought to bear, makes a
hellacious mess of anything in front of it. You may regard the .22LR
as a "pea shooter," but federal agents routinely use them to blow away
outdated "bullet-proof" gear. They regard the .22LR in close quarters
an extremely lethal load - and even if fired for effect in close
quarters. it's as noisy as any other common handgun. It's easy to buy,
easy to maintain, inexpensive to feed, and easy to shoot. It also
hides in one's pants pocket or a bedside table a lot better than any
12-GA. Forget Dirty Harry and John McClain.
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