"DBM" <dbmacpherson@uq.net.au> wrote in message
> Dear Mr. Wignall, I realise it was late when I posted my message, so I
> will point out what I SAID in my original message, as well as make a
> quick correction...
> Quote...
<Snip Quote>>
> End Quote...
> Note I said "a head", followed by "a head & a 1/4" - I think
> I may have then confused you with the comment in brackets
> of '(Rei#2 head sizes)"
> I did NOT say 2 head sizes, & I apologise if my wording was
> confusing, I SHOULD have said, 'a head', OR 'head & a 1/4'.

Ah well in that case I disagree completely about that difference.
I was too lazy to actually check before, but now that you have
pressed it I have gone to EoE where the three Rei's are standing
over Gendou's body. Here is a screen capture of that scene.

> By your OWN research, you confirm my observation that
> a character 1 head shorter than Rei-2 in a plugsuit matches
> the height of a 10-year old child.  I allowed the extra 1/4
> due to difficulties in measuring, as a maximum allowable
> error margin.

No I don't confirm your observation, I merely used your
stated observation. As I have shown above your stated
observation is clearly wrong. Rei-001 is only about half
the size of Rei-002 and Rei-003. She most certainly does
not match the height of an average 10 year old girl.

> If you conduct proportional analysis of the image of Rei-1
> standing beside Gendo, to the image of Rei-2 standing
> beside Gendo, you will find my calculations to be near
> enough to what I have stated.

If you look at the image of Rei-001 standing next to Rei-002
you will see quite clearly that you calculations are very much
different to how big each of them actually is.

Rei-001 is _very_ much shorter than Rei-002. She appears
to be much closer to a 5 year old girl than a 10 year old girl,
especially when compared to Rei-002's apparent 14 year old

> Now the CORRECTION that another pointed out I
> should make!
> When I made the comment 'Chibi-Rei', I was referring to the Rei first
> seen standing beside Gendo when Naoko & Ritsuko meet Rei-1 for the
> first time.
> As was since pointed out to me, the term 'Chibi-Rei', while actually
> meaning 'little-Rei', is more commonly applied to the 'child' Rei seen
> in the train car sequences & in people's minds.
> I accept I made another error in wording, I apologise.
> However, my error reminds me that I should point out that Shinji
> himself is drawn at several different stages in 'childhood', as a baby
> at his mother's breast, as the 'toddler' unwittingly waving 'bye-bye'
> to his mother, as the crying child deserted by his father, & as the
> 'Chibi-Shinji' on the trains, & in people's minds.
> Sorry, but I haven't conducted any sort of in-depth image analysis of
> the 'train' version of Chibi-Rei, but *IF* memory serves me correctly,
> she IS drawn in a more childish fashion.
> I will concede that the 'Chibi-Rei' on the Trains, & in people's minds
> may look more childlike than Rei-1 does when first seen with Gendo, &
> may actually be of a smaller size than Rei-1 was when first seen with
> Gendo.  Whether the drawing of the 'train' version is more 'childish'
> looking, or for that matter, smaller in stature, is not something I
> feel confident enough to comment on at this time.
> However, *IF* the 'train' version of Chibi-Rei *IS* drawn as smaller
> or more childish looking than when Rei-1 is first seen with Gendo,
> would that have any sort of significance, other than to indicate that
> Rei-1 was once a person of that height/appearance, or for that matter,
> just an attempt by Gainax to cash in on readily creatable 'public
> sympathy' for a character drawn as a child?
> Most of my theorising has been over plot development points that could
> be used in a Fan fiction I'm writing.  Admittedly, it IS an 'Alternate
> Universe' one, but one that I am trying to build a 'consistent' plot
> development throughout, a plot development that while it may NOT be to
> 'exact canon' specifications, would still explain several of the
> mysteries of the show to my satisfaction.
> Or, at least explain things from the point of view of someone who
> realises that since he is NOT Japanese, he will probably never 'get'
> all the subtle in-jokes & cultural references that NGE is based on.
> Things like 'what's in a name', especially about characters that can
> be read as Yui, & how they are used for Genetic Engineering terms.
> Things that many Japanese would KNOW at a subconscious level.
> Things like Rei's white swimsuit being a favourite 'icon' for
> cheesecake photographs of young teenage models - not that I intimate
> that this has ANYTHING to do with her popularity.  However, it DOES
> make you wonder if Rei was 'pre-packaged' for certain sections of the
> consumer market, especially given the 'figures' Rei-2 & Rei-3 were
> drawn with.
> One thing that bothers me about the AT Fields in Terminal Dogma when
> Kaworu came a-knocking...  If Lillith's Soul generates her AT Field,
> then it appears to be in two places at once - one generated by the
> Lillith construct, the other generated by Rei-3. (Refer previous post
> for a 'blow-by-blow' accounting, & for a 'split-soul' theory based on
> actual religious teachings that may be of some significance.)
> As is the fact that despite not 'having a soul', the embryonic Adam is
> still 'alive', & regenerating itself.  As apparently, was Lillith - In
> one of the movies (not sure which), Rei removes the Lance from
> Lillith, & Lillith instantly regenerates her missing legs.  Since
> Lillith already had so many small legs sticking out of her torso, this
> raises the question, was the Lance some sort of 'paralytic agent' that
> prevented Lillith from regenerating?
> One of the things I have been interested in finding out, is the actual
> material construction of the Angels & etc - for despite Lillith being
> Humanity's progenitor, no human is her size, & it may appear, no human
> is composed of exactly the same materials she is.
> No Human has the capacity to generate the powerful AT field that
> Lillith & the Angels do, & no human has an S2 organ.  Physics also
> come into things, with the questions raised by potential differences
> in materials used as building blocks for Humanity.
> As various religious texts state, Humanity was made from dust/soil.
> Meaning that whatever the force BEHIND our creation, we are made of
> THIS world's materials.
> As proof?  All of the materials in a Human's body are found on Earth,
> even surprise, , such 'essential' ingredients as Strontium.
> Strontium is used in the immune system, (if memory serves), & it is
> for THIS reason, that a 'variation' or 'isotope' of the element is so
> dangerous to Humans.  Strontium 90 is the unstable radioactive isotope
> of Strontium that is present in A-Bomb fallout.  Because chemically,
> it is almost exactly the same as 'normal' Strontium, it can be
> assimilated into the body, & cause damage to any cell when it 'decays'
> & throws off radiation.
> It doesn't stop there.  Chemical compounds may have their atoms
> arranged in different orders (isomers) that can cause havoc - one
> isomer may be neutral, the other may be toxic.  When this happens to a
> person's DNA, it may herald the creation of a cancer.
> Matter is affected by the physics involved in its creation, & in the
> environment it finds itself.  For example, Hydrogen is a gas at room
> temperature, but on Jupiter, Hydrogen may be so condensed &
> pressurised in Jupiter's planetary core that the element has
> 'metallic' properties.
> Then again, we speak of 'absolute zero', a point at which atomic
> activity stops.  Modern science now theorises the existence of a set
> of physics BEYOND 'absolute Zero'.
> Have you ever put your hand in boiling water?  If you did you would
> always scald yourself, right?  Wrong.  There are circumstances under
> which water will boil at temperatures so low that you CANNOT be
> scalded by it.  It is a little matter of atmospheric pressure - but
> don't take my word for it, just ask any Mountaineer - THEY can tell
> you of water that boils yet is only luke-warm.
> When Ritsuko tries to analyse the Angels, she keeps getting an 'unable
> to analyse' error, indicating that the Angels contain compounds,
> elements, isomers or isotopes that are unknown, and/or un-analysable
> by her equipment.  This indicates that the materials are NOT of this
> world, or at least, if they are of this world, are so rare as to be
> unknown & thus un-analysable to the Future Science & Super Computers
> of 2015.  Which, judging by the existence of the technology behind the
> MAGI, would far exceed our own.
> One item of great concern, is the Angel's 'power core', the S2 organ
> that Shinji's EVA ate.  SEELE was somewhat upset about that little
> matter, & the question arises, were the S2 power organs deliberately
> left out of the EVA's for safety reasons?  Or, was the creation of the
> S2 power organ too 'complex' at the time of creation of the EVA's?
> Then again, there is another explanation...
> NERV obtained portions of an S2 power organ when Shinji fought the
> 'whip-lash' Angel.  Question, did Shinji unwittingly supply NERV with
> more than a mere 'biological sample', but perhaps with an organ
> containing rare or non-terrestrial (& thus non-analysable) materials?
> Materials that were finally available in enough quantity to ALLOW the
> creation of NERV's own S2 organ, the one that absorbed/blew up the
> American branch?
> Adolf Hitler was trying to build an Atomic Bomb using Heavy water, or
> H2O where the Hydrogen atoms were an 'isotope' of hydrogen known as
> deuterium.  Recently, there was a hubbub about 'cold fusion', where
> atoms underwent nuclear fusion in a normal lab, without the need for
> the forces found in the cores of stars or hydrogen bombs.
> Fact - Many modern earphones make use of 'rare-earth magnets' to
> deliver high-fidelity sound.  Something UNAVAILABLE before the alloy
> technology became cheap enough & common enough.
> I have made comments about 'non-terrestrial' materials, particularly
> since Ritsuko with all her equipment COULDN'T analyse some of the
> materials found in Angels.  Shinji's EVA ate the S2 power core of an
> Angel, supposedly 'assimilating it' as the EVA did the arm it tore off
> the Angel...
> Hang about?  Tore OFF the Angel?  Either Unit 1 changed the material
> of the Angel's arm during assimilation, or else Unit 1, the 'Clone' of
> Lillith & the Angels are created of the SAME material.
> The same materials that Ritsuko CANNOT analyse!
> Yours, dbmacpherson@INHIBITIONSuq.net.au
> Remove INHIBITIONS to reply.