In article <>, says...
>"Sickle584th" <sukhoi9999@adelphia.junknetspam> wrote in message
>> > are you new here?
>> Does it matter?
>> Most of the active posters nowadays are recent comers. The majority of
>server regulars have stopped posting a long time ago.
>> -- 
>> Sickle584th
>Do you blame us? After Disaster vanished, what was the point? Everything's
>been said about Eva, so until something new shows up....
>                                Vaughn L.Porter
>                                ...with the right kind of eyes,
>                                  you can see the high-water mark...

Yep, without Disaster around to provoke to verbal explosion on a
regular basis, it's just not as much fun anymore...


Although hentai questions still provide topics of interest...