On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 18:45:09 GMT, "Ethan Hammond"
<eshammond@worldnet.att.net> wrote:

>"Rob Browning" <pluvius3@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
>> On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 21:51:39 GMT, "El Guapo" <plethora@pinatas.com>
>> wrote:
>> And if Squenix really thought that that was such a problem, why have
>> they already announced FF13 to be exclusive for the PS3?
>Because Sony paid them for the FF13 exclusivity.

They must have paid them a lot of money in order for them to risk
their biggest franchise on a system which they're apparently afraid
will fail.  And by "a lot of money" I mean "more than Sony could
likely afford."



Owner of 2501 Netstalker Points awarded by Corwin of Amber, mainly
because Atma's just too damn attractive to get away from.

Gave 7499 Netstalker Points to Cypher because there's no such thing as
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Owner of David Watson, rec.arts.anime.misc

"Some people are more passionate about preserving foreskin than they
 are about the environment, human life, and a million other subjects.
 If you're going to have an obsession, at least get a good one, like
 Tetris or that girl that said no when she really meant yes."
 --Josh "Livestock" Boruff, Something Awful ALoD 10-11-06