Re: What does everyone have against French society?
Silvio Franke <> wrote in message news:<>...
> flora macdonald schrieb:
> >
> > (MatthewOutland) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > Politics aside, why do so many people view french society cynically or
> > > with contempt? I've never been to France or met any French so I don't
> > > know whats so special here. Just curious, that's all.
> >
> > It happens everywhere. The Japanese have contempt for the Koreans, the
> > Germans for the Poles, the English for the Irish (Paddys), the
> > Australians for the English (Pommies). So in England the French are
> > "frogs". The bad habits always belong to the foreigner. Back when the
> > word "condom" was unmentionable in English it was a "french letter",
> > in France it was "un chapeau anglais".
> To be honest here in Germany we do not only have contemt for Poles, but
> for French, too. Example: "Froschfresser" etc. etc.
> ...and some people here allways want to do a little training session in
> France, before marching east, because it is allways good for the morale.
> Silvio
> -------------------------------------------------
> Sometimes I feel the strong urge to march east...
I think the lowest level of abuse for foreigners comes from the
English Tabloid papers, especially if England is playing France or
Germany with Balls.
I can never understand the fascination people have with adult males
(and latterly females), clad only in vests and knickers, chasing
balls, in between kicking each other in the head.
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