On Aug 5, 9:26 pm, "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 5, 1:05 am, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp>
> wrote:
> > Sometimes that doesn't even work.
> The great thing about laptops and PDAs is that now you can work even
> while on vacation, which is becoming not only common but somewhat
> expected. One boss I had refused to get a PDA because he didn't want
> to work when not at work; he's tolerated but not advancing very
> rapidly (which could be his lack of intelligence, though that doesn't
> seem to inhibit any of the other directors/VPs).

I still avoid a PDA, but have a laptop and cell with me almost
everywhere I go. I don't think I'll ever be able to have a "real"
holiday again, but without these tools I'd be stuck in the office.