On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 18:25:26 GMT, "necoandjeff" <spam@schrepfer.com>

>Again, it depends on where and when in the U.S. Orient and oriental have
>already fallen out of use in many parts of the country, certainly in
>California and probably New York. I wouldn't recommend sitting in any sort
>of professional job interview anywhere in the U.S. and using the words
>orient or oriental.

I'm surprised that you consider professional US interviewers to have
such a lack of worldliness.

Were I taking part in such an interview, would it be equally unwise
to refer to the niggardly serve of coffee I received whilst waiting?


If the topic got on to sports, should I not mention that I've played
football at the E. S. 'Nigger' Brown Stadium?


Were I to have taken a bag lunch (these all day interviews are
tedious) I guess I should take pains to hide my Coon cheese?

