(Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple) wrote in message news:<>...
> (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...

From Johnny's "One More Thing"

/ / There  is  a guide book for leadership in the
American  Marines entitled, "Guidebook for MARINES", and
inside,  it  contains  14 principles to strive for as an
American  Soldier...

Integrity,     Knowledge,     Courage,     decisiveness,
Dependability,  Initiative,  Tact,  Justice, Enthusiasm,
Bearing,    Endurance,   Unselfishness,   Loyalty,   and

For integrity it states:

"1.   Integrity.   The  stakes of combat are too high to
gamble  leadership on a dishonest man.  Would you accept
a report from a patrol leader who had been known to lie?
Of  course  you wouldn't.  All your statements, official
or  unofficial,  are concidered by your men to be plain,
unadorned fact.  Make sure they are.  When you give your
word,  keep  it.   There  are people depending on you to
come through with the goods."

Now,  I  could go on further about what kind of lifeless
degenerate  a  lawless  cowardly  mute soldier in bush's
nazi  death squads would have to be, to serve under bush
as slave and traitor to home and family, as against God,
the  Flag,  and  all that we represent as equals through
Justice, but I won't. \ \ 

NOT a scientist of any kind

/ / Re: CHERYL SEAL REPORTS CORRECTION: Bush's Top WMD Inspector David
Kay is NOT a scientist of any kind
by Dan Current  31 Jul 2003 

Who said that anyone who works in the Bush administration had to be
qualified to do anything. I have yet to see anyone qualified to do
anything right. From the stollen election in 2000, 9-11, and now the
false pretence for war in Iraq. Nothing but a string lies, cover-ups,
and self interest right wring chicanery has resulted. This is the most
dispicable administration in the history of our country. \ \


> --
>                        God Honest
>   "Liberty   can   not   be  preserved  without  general
> knowledge among people." John Adams - August 1765
>   Where  did  we  come  from?   Did you know, only a few
> short  decades  ago,  corporations  paid  taxes and were
> proud  of it?  Did you know, only a few short years ago,
> it was believed the American People would only fight for
> just causes as the God willing?
>   I  say,  the  American  Constitution,  and the Bill of
> Rights  are  too important to leave America without bush
> complaining  over.   Why?   If  you  unjustly  treat  US
> foreigners,  you  debase your own entitlement.  Example:
> When  bush  told  Americans,  americans  didn't need any
> proof   against   Laden,   bush  really  said,  cowardly
> Americans no longer wish to protect Freedom by following
> the   crime   scene   leads   offered   by  the  Justice
> departments.   No Justice for Laden means, no documented
> arrest   of   actual   criminal   perpetrators.   (Laden
> completely  by  himself  was  he?)  Which  incidentally,
> America's  bush  and  rumsfeld  had  completely  planned
> SECRETLY  to  NOT  arrest for 9/11 before hand, with the
> official  antichrist's,  "invade Afghanistan without any
> evidence   plan".    How?   Demon  bush  and  rumsfeld's
> business  partner, the military strategist General Amad,
> is  the  one  and same who forwarded funding to the 9/11
> 'mastermind',   Our  Mr.   Atta.,  while  reminding  the
> Taliban,  no  evidence  would  be  a  crime against God.
> Destroy  Our Mr.  bush Jr.  American Patriot Soldier....
> But  I  digress  for now respecting myself on our public
> evidence   that   demands   Mr.    bush  be  immediately
> questioned then arrested for 9/11 as heinous traitor God
> betrayer human hater..
>   I  side  to  figure,  actually  very few, of any mind,
> would  support war monger bush financially in destroying
> ourselves  as the chosen victims for criminal sacrifice.
> My  eternal Battle is one of communicating the political
> reality  we  suffer  under  by  criminal dictates, while
> knowing,  our  true remedy can only be found through the
> practice of Justice to secure freedom for all concerned.
> Indivisibly  measured  to all as equally so.  An eternal
> nature  to order perhaps.  And, like magic, Walla Allah!
> Your  Christened  as still suffering needlessly to bush,
> as  too  poor  to know any better about these real world
> Jewish   matters.    Thankfully,   our   National   News
> programing seems to be slowly rising on the illegitimate
> American  President with expressions of genuine concern,
> on  where, demon bush is taking US truly as the unjustly
> dying.   Soldiers are being poisoned to die as worthless
> to  the  corporate bottom line of wether CNN should ever
> decide  to  report  on depleted uranium.  It isn't every
> soldier  to blame blindly, it is the criminal actions of
> rumsfeld  and  bush,  that  bring  down  the  most loyal
> American  Patriots  unforgivingly.   Big  Picture:  Love
> binds  US  to all Living things, therefor, Mr.  bush and
> rumsfeld  must  face  immediate  arrest  or execution by
> America.   While  in Iraq, we need a total commitment of
> Justice ruling our exit strategy.  Stealing Iraqi assets
> for    Dutch-Shell,    WorldCom    and   bremer,   while
> incarcerating the innocent denied human rights, stealing
> food and water, just isn't going to fly.
>   And die they are.
>   Johnny  is  spooky to himself even.  However, I manage
> being comfortably myself whilst I continue attempting to
> breathe  life  into our universal convictions to protect
> God  and Humanity as our own included.  I bring with me,
> a written history of many concerns, of some, I no longer
> consider  strategically  tenable.   Still,  our  private
> banking industry is in desperate need of reforms through
> public  consensus  to  gain our representation, while to
> win,  lotteries  must  pay out 100 percent of total cash
> wagered,  and finally, a progressive tax structure needs
> to  be  first  understood generally, then mathematically
> practiced,  to sustain ability for a nation's wealth and
> prosperity  to  continue.   "Non-Medical"  narcotic laws
> need  relaxation  with  smarter  controls, and marihuana
> should   be  completely  de-criminalized,  with  perhaps
> public service stories of risks and benefits, gains, and
> liabilities.   Have  you  ever  met  a  crackwhore, or a
> convulsing  heroin addict?, where perception of personal
> values  only comes around when trying anything to obtain
> the  lost  gratification of normalcy?  Or perhaps fallen
> victim  to  crimes?  In America, 40 percent of criminals
> are  in on drug relations.  The organized crime involved
> in  the  buying and selling process, (including the dumb
> and  evil bushite nazi soldiers dying for heroin pushers
> against  the  women loving, girl school running, freedom
> fighters  of  Afghanistan), elevates the price to exceed
> the  market  barers who fall wasted.  How FAR can bush's
> heroin  freely  take  someone  of  Your community who is
> chemically  indebted?   No  profits  for cocaine dealing
> pimps  would  come  about  with no profit prescriptions,
> while  a  banking industry that served for the interests
> of  our  currency, would recognize Our money is not IOUs
> written   by  secret  private  edict  without  any  math
> questions  pondered.   Look,  the private banker borrows
> Your   Earned   deposit,   charges   whatever   for  our
> transactions  to pocket the differences privately, while
> devaluing  all our personal assets by inflation.  (Hint:
> Big  bankers  are  billionaires  for  who's  work  dummy
> chump?) The National debt is really what the ...  Ah....
> blah blah blah...
>   We   can   actually   understand  suffering  from  our
> inability  to  solve  some  of our life's most desperate
> real  world  problems.,  not  because  we don't know any
> better,  but  because,  we're afraid to listen to people
> converse as the faulting stupid humans.  So we hide from
> deity  bush's  true  ineptness,  as  a crime representor
> against  Humanity faithfully followed through ignorance.
> While  the  yearning  for  better  understanding through
> knowledge  sharing,  doesn't  seem  at  all  relevant to
> corporate  greed with minimum investment scheduled.  Why
> bother  to  stand  up  for  your  brother,  neighbor, or
> complete  stranger's  profit,  if  your  only  a machine
> geared  to  maximizing takes from devaluating the living
> human  interest  angle?   How can bush's america compete
> without  law  against  slave  labor, but with supporting
> tyranny  for  America.   Bound  by  consequence.  Karma.
> Right?   Let's  count, how many worthless generations of
> People should suffer from radiation posioning, that will
> give  maybe  the  bushites, a few extra thousand dollars
> for his re-election war campain?  How many American teen
> soldiers  should be killed as traitors robbing from Iraq
> to  steal  for  bremer?   How  many?  I ask you American
> Patriot to support our cause before we die as worthless,
> measured  as  cowardly  victims  by  bush  and rumsfeld.
> Repeat  after  me:   "Never  will  I blindly  serve as a 
> slave to devolving criminal demon bush dictate".
>   My hope as God spokesperson, is to gain the respect of
> all  whom wears this stupid Crown.  Life is more than we
> could  ever  truly  know  of.   You  are  prone to be as
> amazing  as  I  could  be.  Like anything is absolutely.
> Nothing but the Universe here on planet Earth as freedom
> shackled.  Therefor, communicating with field experts is
> important  on  top  priority,  life  death  issues.  The
> American  fledgling  Justice protectors, the CIA and FBI
> investigating  officers  for  9/11, Afghanistan, and now
> Iraq,  are  critically  important  to  gaining America's
> position  officially.   Lies  or  no  lies.  Like asking
> Mueller  if he has heard mentioning of General Ahmad and
> Condoleezza working together with  the 9/11 Presidential
> Directive,  on  September 9th as the self described bush
> cabal. (Truth as  disturbingly  funny  we  is; they call 
> themselves  secret  liars  costumed  up  as  our  public 
> officials. Figures eh?) Anyway,  Mueller,  what  say you 
> about this Police matter?  
> Who's Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission
> by Michel Chossudovsky
> <>
> / / In other words the man responsible for the day to day operations
> of the 9/11 Commission, including the recruitment of staff and the
> coordination of research, is closely linked to Bush's inner cabinet.
> He has a close professional relationship with Condoleezza Rice, with
> whom he has collaborated for the last 10 years. He is co-author of a
> book written with Condoleezza Rice.   \  \
> Condoleezza has been acting truly strange as of late no?
> And, as was  so  well  articulated  in  the  spheres  of 
> the article, isn't  the  new commision 
> also   in   public  conflict  to  acknowledge  the   not 
> corporately  reported,  but  relevant as interesting and 
> important, inside traders investigated by  the  American  
> CIA  stonewalled by Tenant?, not speaking for America?  
>   Ruppert's   "Blood   in   the   Water"  is  powerfully
> informative,  providing  gathered intelligent insight on
> the  development  of  what is becoming, widely public as
> plainly aware.
>                            --                     
> Blood in the Water 
> Watergate II 
> by Michael C. Ruppert 
> / / .. "Rockefeller directed particularly pointed criticism at
> National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice,
> saying her very public role in pinning the blame on Tenet is
> 'dishonorable.'"
> .. CBS then quoted former Republican White House staffer David Gergen
> as saying, "Somebody in
> the administration, not in the agency, wanted to put this in the
> speech and got the CIA to sign off on it,
> even though everybody knew within the US government that there were
> real doubts about the validity
> of the report. And that's what constitutes the misleading quality of
> it."
> [quoting Waxman quoting Powell when he spoke at the UN to argue
> committing war crimes by
> falsehood, as substantiated untruths... (Lies.)]
> ...Specifically, the State Department fact sheet contains the
> following points under the heading "Nuclear
> Weapons": "The Declaration ignores efforts to procure uranium from
> Niger. Why is the Iraqi regime
> hiding their uranium procurement?" 
> [Why was the bushmob lying? To murder US outcasts for the big bucks in
> stolen values. Ours. ( God
> secret: We just can no longer go farther as discounted religiously.)]
> [Later as Waxman]
> ...These facts raise troubling questions. It appears that at the same
> time that you, Secretary Rumsfeld,
> and State Department officials were citing Iraq's efforts to obtain
> uranium from Africa as a crucial part
> of the case against Iraq, U.S. intelligence officials regarded this
> very same evidence as unreliable. If
> true, this is deeply disturbing: it would mean that your
> Administration asked the U.N. Security Council,
> the Congress, and the American people to rely on information that your
> own experts knew was not
> credible. \ \ 
>   Or, why did America give  support  to  Afghani heroin
> pushers and Uzbekistan's repressor?  Yeah that's right,  
> bush isn't  America,  America  is America just sleeping 
> still.
>   Why  should We allow Americans to be treated unfairly,
> stolen  from, then murdered by bush, rumsfeld and Powell
> again  is what I'm asking now as an outsider looking in.
> I   declare  as  King  Johnny,  I  want  to  participate
> Internationally  with  polite  dialog  on  america's war
> crimes,  while  calling  for  the  immediate  arrest  or
> execution,  of  the  traitors,  Our  Mr.   bush Jr.  and
> rotten rumsfeld.
>   Larry?
>   A person like you only comes around once in a lifetime
> to  help  a  desperate  eternal God like US communicate,  
> so  please,  do yourself a favor, and put in a good call 
> for US, will ya? I'd  do  almost  anything  for  living, 
> and   with   Your  help,  I'll   never  have  nobody  to  
> share  your  suffering  with  either.  Join  the  club.. 
> friend and blood. 
> Your loyal servant,
> Johnny Wizard
> --
> Uranium claim linked to aide at White House / CIA tried to keep error
> out of speech
> / / Although Durbin said he believes the testimony makes it clear the
> White House was "insistent" on
> using uranium allegation in the speech, others said that was open to
> interpretation. \ \
> --
> Media Underplays U.S. Death Toll in Iraq 
> uploaded 18 Jul 2003
> Soldiers Dead Since May Is 3 Times Official Count 
> / / According  to official military records, the number of
> U.S.  soldiers  who  have  died in Iraq since   May 2 is
> actually  85.  This  includes  a  staggering  number  of
> non-combat  deaths.  Even  if  killed in   a non-hostile
> action,  these soldiers are no less dead, their families
> no  less  aggrieved. 
> ...A  Web  site  called  Iraq  Coalition  Casualty  Count
>   (   is
> tracking  the  deaths,  by  whatever  cause,  of    U.S.
> military  personnel  in Iraq, based on official Pentagon
> and  CENTCOM  press  releases  and    Army Times and CNN
> casualty  trackers.  \ \ 
> --
> CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct. Why Bush Cited It In Jan. Is 
> Unclear 
> By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen 
> Washington Post Staff Writers 
> Page A01 
> Or, 
> Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies 
> / /When the CIA objected to the inclusion of the uranium-Africa 
> charge, White House officials proposed that Bush cite the conclusions 
> of British intelligence, rather than the doubts of US intelligence. 
> Hence the formula that was placed in Bush's mouth January 28: ``The 
> British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought 
> significant quantities of uranium from Africa.'' 
> -- 
> So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to 
> understand, research, or clarify HIS major political 
> positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass 
> murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't 
> communicate with anyone in the American intelligence 
> agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is. 
> CBS News | Bush Knew Iraq Info Was Dubious 
> / / Before the speech was delivered, the portions 
> dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were 
> checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News 
> National Security Correspondent David Martin. CIA 
> officials warned members of the President's National 
> Security Council staff the intelligence was not good 
> enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy 
> uranium from Africa. \ \ 
> The Insiders Are Coming Out 
> By William Rivers Pitt 
> From: 
> / / Beers' position as special assistant to the 
> President for combating terrorism meant he saw 
> everything and knew everything. He was on Nightline for 
> one reason: He quit his job, walked out the door, and 
> joined the John Kerry for President campaign as National 
> Security Advisor. \ \ 
> The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray 
> By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot 
> / / Begg's father, Azmat, insists his son is not a 
> terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in 
> Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school 
> and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat, 
> a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight 
> of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul 
> with his family to start a school for basic education 
> and provide water pumps. 
> .... Begg's father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact 
> that all his family served in the British army, says his 
> grandchildren are distraught at their father's 
> disappearance. \ \ 
> Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar 
> By William Rivers Pitt 
> / / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody 
> lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come 
> for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in 
> this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who 
> live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has 
> flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George 
> W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress. 
> There are a lot of people dead because of it. \ \ 
> Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman 
> / / For example, some commentators have suggested that 
> Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is 
> some interpretation of his prewar statements that is 
> technically true. Really? We're not talking about a 
> business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the 
> contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a 
> nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the 
> nation a misleading impression about the case for war, 
> close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally 
> say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the 
> contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case 
> couldn't stand close scrutiny. \ \ 
> So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to 
> understand, research, or clarify HIS major political 
> positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass 
> murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't 
> communicate with anyone in the American intelligence 
> agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is. 
> While demanding at the same time, he did knew top 
> secretly better than everybody else does still, leaving 
> US to forgo our own principles of Justice to be 
> sacrificed even further unjustly. That evil nazi fuck, 
> the demon God betrayer human hater, tells US, it was 
> Tenant (not the CIA) actually that was responsible for 
> the fraudulent evidence he argued publicly to wage WAR 
> against our Humanity with. In Our name unjustly 
> devalued by the criminal bush doctrine. Lies that bush 
> uses to sacrifice leaderless American GIs for 
> Halliburton and WorldCom, all the while, robbing from 
> the American public in a war against our World as an 
> enemy of all Humanity. While still, LOOK, bush gives no 
> apology to angry Johnny, or the morning American 
> families dying as traitors, painted as cowards, further 
> dying as too easily sacrificial for further criminal 
> bush exploits continuing in Iraq UNDER the bare naked 
> war crime funder, the victim robber, Our Mr. bremer. 
> After disappearing BILLIONS unaccounted as Saddam aid, 
> including an escrow account through the UN, bush, bremer 
> and the Dutch-Shell partners, plan to skim a further 30 
> percent from oil sales for themselves without an Iraqi 
> Government to stop them as thieves. Mr. bremer is not 
> trying for a representative democratic governmental 
> stability for Iraqis, for there is much more American 
> tax payments in sacrificing bush binded as blind, 
> American Patriot Soldiers for the criminal likes and 
> greed of Worldcom, than there is to give to the Iraqi 
> People as desperately needing. Right? Why should 
> bremer be spending America's time invested in Helping 
> Our IRAQ govern herself for the betterment of the 
> People, if he wont be able to steal as much with 
> Dutch-Shell ideals, and WorldCom concealments? Do you 
> really think any form of democracy in Iraq, would have 
> hired WorldCom above all others to cover up something 
> likely further planned to be illegal? No? Why take the 
> stupid risk that American Soldiers might actually learn 
> of what they are truly dying for as dumb and evil? Now 
> I know, American GIs are known world wide as already 
> weak and cowardly, but basic math skills are taught in 
> early elementary, and actually dying for bush and 
> dutch-shell to rob from God and America is pushing 
> things to far. 
> Rotten rumsfeld tells US, almost 4 billion American tax 
> dollars has bent spent per month on something about 
> Iraq, (4,000,000,000 / 160,000 Soldiers equals 
> $31,250.00 for example) while bremer tells Iraqis, if he 
> and Dutch-Shell can secure 5 or 5.5 billion in completed 
> new oil sales contracts, he'll be sure to promise maybe 
> 3 billion for the Iraqi Nation expenses, all managed by 
> whom he and bush have, or will personally appoint for 
> free perks, from the likes of Dutch-Shell, double 
> billers Halliburton, or WorldCom pension shysters. That 
> is if all goes without success in shedding criminal 
> bremer as an occupying oppressor of US innocent people. 
> A terrorist Mr. bremer is according to the official FBI 
> definition. 
> All essential civilian Iraqi infrastructure needs 
> immediate, undivided unending attention, and protection, 
> like with food and medicines, along with encouraging 
> public discussion for a fair, wide open elections 
> process to deal with the serious primary issues of 
> public accountability. Opened to ALL legal residents. 
> Criticized openly by corporate America, if it should 
> feel dictated to do so during the public discussions on 
> Iraqi's loyalty to God and family. OUR Families! Who 
> again, in America, I beg, to get off the drugs and wake 
> up to reality. 
> Now I must get heavy. 
> What could be agreed upon with ANY civilization here to 
> contemplate ably? A just rule of law is freedom 
> unparalleled naturally by design occurring as Universal 
> chaos is. Example: Would you want to lose your 
> freedoms for not depriving another of same said 
> privileges? Truly, Justice for all is Freedom for You 
> as believing. It matters not what you think of me as 
> John personally, for You ultimately, reflect also on the 
> indivisible eternal nature of our suffering Human 
> condition shared equally as Creation though a desperate 
> as forgotten, God as our Love forsaken. Murdering US 
> People for no good reason but to rob from ourselves as 
> dying sell-out bush thieves, is genuinely wrong to just 
> about everybody considered. See?, when rumsfeld orders 
> the dropping of small nukes, or a 14000 pound bomb on a 
> community, or perhaps cluster bombs in civilian 
> districts, or maybe a depleted uranium laced Tomahawk 
> missile, it actually kills US people... and for what? 
> / / We had one hundred percent access, to change 
> anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized 
> international level, promised to be broadcasted 
> nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed 
> now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable 
> Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal 
> thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that 
> innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be 
> granted their day in a public court to face some sort of 
> accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate 
> somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a 
> prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?, 
> now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely 
> funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think 
> again: 
> No representative world body politic, would decide to 
> purposefully, criminally victimize US as the Innocent 
> for war monger, American cop killer bush as our official 
> Democratic decision maker. 
> I hope you as anyone else, can agree to find easy 
> agreement with anyone on our own interest as immediate 
> need, to have the heinous UNJUST traitor to our 
> Humanity, the mass murdering Mr. bush Jr., immediately 
> halted for victimizing Humanity criminally as documented 
> factual. 
> Mr. bush Jr. SIGNED his own name with Condolezza to 
> the "top secret" Presidential Directive 9/11 Plan. A 
> plan to invade Afghanistan without using evidence for an 
> allegation to a crime they would pin on Laden as 
> innocent of. A documented plan, IN AMERICA'S NAME, to 
> not apprehend the actual 9/11 perpetrators by following 
> the ample criminal leads offered through America's FBI 
> or CIA. Again, all completely planned SECRETLY several 
> days before the WTC incidents. Planned with bush, 
> rumsfeld, and atheist General Ahmad, the funder of 
> 9/11's fall guy, Atta. The very last thing Ahmad, bush 
> and rumsfeld wanted, was to actually arrest Laden, for 
> it would have foiled their documented in writing, 
> criminal war crimes against my America to steal the big 
> bucks with our funerals. Mueller, franks and Tenant, 
> would likely be directly involved, like Condolezza is 
> for sure, and need to be questioned, then immediately 
> arrested for treason to face public trial in our court 
> room of popular opinion. Destroy Our unarrested Mr. 
> bush Jr. my friend, and this Universe of ours will be 
> forever grateful. 
> God is Just, 
> Johnny Wizard 
> -- 
> Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson? 
> Wow! The American corporate media seems to be acting human. Excellent.
> -- 
> White House admits Bush wrong about Iraqi nukes Jul 8, 2003, 01:29 
> //"The report had already been discredited," said Terrance J. 
> Wilkinson, a CIA advisor present at two White House briefings. "This 
> point was clearly made when the President was in the room during at 
> least two of the briefings." Bush's response was anger, Wilkinson 
> said. "He said that if the current operatives working for the CIA 
> couldn't prove the story was true, then the agency 
> had better find some who could," Wilkinson said. "He said he knew the 
> story was true and so would the world after American troops secured 
> the country." \ 
> Wow! Then.... 
> White House 'warned over Iraq claim' 
> //That means that the administration would have known nearly a year 
> before the State of the Union address that the information was likely 
> false. In response, a US Government official told the BBC that the 
> White House received hundreds of intelligence reports every day. The 
> official said there was no evidence that this specific cable about 
> uranium had been passed on to the president.\ 
> Someone in the ""US Government", seems to think it would make a bad 
> image if Democracy's bush and cheney, truly knew before hand, of the 
> ACTUAL evidence they repeatedly sited, but didn't tell US publicly of,
> all so they then could steal billions in an attempt to destroy our 
> freedoms while killing The People as not represented in their decision
> taking. While the bushites bask in the adoring adulation transcribed 
> by corporate TV command, all of US, granted to be even further 
> willing victims, of injustice and tyranny as our voices pirated 
> through corporate devaluations of the human spirit. 
> It Was The Politicians Who Took Us Into War, and Not The Intelligence 
> Services 
> by Robin Cook 
> //Yet the Foreign Office has so far failed to reply to the committee's
> demands to say when it learned the documents on the alleged uranium 
> purchase were crude forgeries. Why? Is it because the answer would 
> reveal that ministers knew this part of the September dossier was 
> wrong before Parliament voted for war but failed to correct the 
> record? And if so, were there doubts in the minds of ministers about 
> any other of the claims in the dossier? \ 
> //Saving his last words for Tony Blair, Mr Kelly added: "He appears on
> TV, so sincere, so caring, so condescending, that's his image. But if 
> his 19-year-old son had been in the Army he would never have taken 
> this country to war."\ 
> It's like we're being forced against our dying wills, to be promoted 
> as sold, bush's fantastical shenanigans, outright guffaws, or blushing
> embarrassments of dying US as MASS MURDER victims. A liar who 
> criminalizes America as really destructing by self contempt through 
> his own private delusions of grander in God's presence as the deceived
> evil antichrist. Apparently, here in america, we're either with 
> criminal bush as slaves working for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom, 
> or he'll bomb US whom believe in fighting to preserve freedom for all 
> people. Freedom like standing firm politically on the evidence 
> requirement for arriving to guilty verdicts as our public 
> representation. We do want to follow the criminal leads for 9/11 
> actually, while bush and rumsfeld do wish that we not find them as the
> treasonous prime perpetrators. Lies of injustice 
> and slavery bush would make US believe we are without speaking of 
> real power. Tyranting our caution, our beliefs, our creeds, into 
> coercing the sacrifice of leaderless teen soldiers, our brothers, our 
> sisters, to rob The People of our Constitutional values. Our freedoms 
> as Justice in America, in Iraq, and at Guantanamo. Done in america's 
> name all for the doubly paid, pinko commi Halliburton, WorldCom, 
> bremer, rumsfeld and Our Mr. bush Jr. Mr. bush, the demon who does 
> all our talking without questioning for answers, who knows better than
> everybody else put together, the CIA and FBI included, doesn't deserve
> your blind praise as a war criminal I would say in defense of anyone. 
> Can we afford to leave more to fall "embarrassingly" dead by his 
> criminal un-American exploits, as a demon God betrayer, human hater? 
> What are you going to do about this Freedom of Yours shared with all 
> here then friend? As of God or the Universe I mean? To not stand with 
> Humanity against the injustices committed against ourselves at 
> Guantanamo, is a failure to love anyone as being alive even. Those are
> US innocent People being criminally treated by evil sadistic nazi war 
> criminaling bushite goons, savages who are protecting the 911 
> perpetrators from incarceration as traitors. Positioned to die as 
> sacrificial, trading spots for the bush demon despot, because he 
> frightens most men into willful submission and blind servitude 
> unthinkingly. Not me however as whomever. Instead of murdering our 
> own families as war criminals for bush to pilfer the undefended 
> wallets of our grandparents, why don't we all smarten up, and just 
> kill the unarrested demon bush instead as something truly Patriotic? 
> What'd ya say? I say, let's just destroy evil bush instead for 
> escaping 
> arrest at 911, stay loaded if necessary for cheney, then demand a 
> change in altitude down at CNN headquarters for our benefits to be 
> included in future broadcast material. Examples to start on: DU is 
> radio-active (millirems) and toxic like in poisonous. Americans would 
> want their stolen pension money back from Enron and WorldCom, thank 
> you very much, and, we'd think you didn't know this yet at CNN command
> but, Mr. bremer,... shockingly,.... is the Director of 
> the notoriously un-American "Kissinger Associates". Mr. bremer, 
> officially, professionally, takes money from Humanity through 
> privately profitizing off criminal dictatorships that STEAL from "The 
> People" our Rights and Freedom to achieve something greater. To take 
> the US authority at word in Iraq, would compel a demand for the 
> immediate confiscation of all bremer's assets, to be given back to 
> those whom were stolen from, and the immediate arrest of 
> bush, rumsfeld, and blair for instigating heinous war crimes against 
> our better judgements. It does not matter what evidence was then or is
> available to justify the unjustifiable Iraq war. LISTEN TO THE SON OF 
> MAN: we had one hundred percent access, to change anything we wished, 
> by public persuasion at a publicized international level, promised to 
> be broadcasted nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed 
> now in Iraq, that couldn't have been 
> under the stable Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal 
> thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that innocent 
> prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be granted their day in a 
> public court to face some sort of accusation? Does the forced bush 
> mandate articulate somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be
> a prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?, now that he
> tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely funny yes, and life is like a 
> dream almost, but think again: Can we easily change the microscopic, 
> radio-active waste that will be around for GENERATIONS harming anyone 
> for no reason but madness? We seem to be suffering something horrible 
> when it comes to communicating the seriousness of the depleted uranium
> situation. It seems we're too afraid to face that such a disastrous 
> decision could continue happening without our screams for sanity, so 
> we continue to bury our heads in the radio-active sand devolving. At 
> least until the, faint hope clause, Johnny Wizard fellow makes a, oh 
> so cute, starving man entrance, on hopes to earn a donation or two to 
> cover living on top of these real world expenses. That's right, I'm 
> only in this for me. 
> Help God please. 
> The bushmob takes with the bush war crimes of death and destruction, 
> is bush vicimizing our World with hardships he continues to wish 
> imposed further, and frankly, I think he needs to be stopped for all 
> concerned, like immediately, now. What do you think? 
> Johnny Wizard 
> Some history of Johnny Wizard: 
> All at Once 
> The Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. bush Jr. with "Bonus Pack!!!" 
> -- 
> Why am I doing this? 
> If I could call your attention to free public military 
> conversations, open to yourself through usenet at 
> alt.military, or as example. (Google 
> 'groups' tab) You will find, NO ONE is disputing DU, or 
> Depleted Uranium, is measured dangerously radio-active 
> and highly toxic to our human species. Through 
> scientific methods of measurement, we would concur from 
> scientific experts in the American Army, among many 
> others, the munition of uranium, upon combustion, 
> oxidizes to microscopic particles, that will continue to 
> threaten humanity as the Innocent for generations. NO 
> ONE disputes that such heinous weaponry, was completely 
> unwarranted in its use against the civilian 
> infrastructure of Iraq. NO ONE. The blowing up of 
> almost all civilian infrastructure that served the 
> interests of the victimized Iraqi People, could have 
> just as effectively been destroyed with conventional 
> bombs to have the American tax payer billed later to 
> rebuild for Halliburton and Worldcom. Thousands of tons 
> of radio-active nuclear waste is now threatening 
> American soldiers for no reason, but for a contempt the 
> CBC and CNN executive producers have for ALL our lives, 
> as they have refused ANYONE for our interests, to 
> publicly address this critically important issue. An 
> assault against our love as God. Often when I acquire 
> OUR corporate news reporter's, almost top secret phone 
> numbers, and politely inform them of the documented 
> science regarding DU, as an average concerned citizen, 
> do they then quickly dismiss the issue without 
> commenting, then feverishly work to change their contact 
> numbers to have US then call them again, if we're lucky. 
> Some CNN reporters have recently had their private voice 
> mail now only except four or five second messages. If 
> we could all recognize Peter Mansbridge of CBC and CNN's 
> Bill Hemmer's contempt for our flags, with how they 
> continue in silence, to advocate further censorship on 
> our victimized communities, could we then really go 
> somewhere as the human species. 
> How many of US must fall poisoned by the evil bush 
> administration, before we recognize the near treasonous 
> Barbara Budd of CBC, and CNN's Aaron Brown's refusal to 
> address such a high priority criminal assault as our 
> own? Does not such abhorrent behavior mark them 
> included as our tyrants being willing slaves in YOUR 
> name included? It is OUR national news departments that 
> are not serving for our nations in this regard, and why 
> I am reaching to you as a would be stranger for help. 
> Your power to help instigate positive change, is perhaps 
> easier than you think. For example, by only simply 
> getting on the Coast to Coast radio network, to be 
> PUBLICLY cut off for expressing a concern for dying 
> American Patriot Soldiers, will be sending the right 
> message to US regardless. By reading of my own 
> struggle, I hope you can join me as a true Patriot, a 
> Patriot who is interested in protecting freedom as 
> Justice for US all. 
> Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium) 
> Examples: 
> Uranium shells held 'cocktail of nuclear waste' 
> Depleted Uranium And Enriched Cover Up 
> by Predrag Tosic 
> //The reporter made such an ultra-careful, politically correct choice 
> of scientists to interview (assuming he honestly conveyed what they 
> actually said, of course), that one has to wonder how come he did not 
> find some "authority" or "expert" to claim that "NATO is confident 
> depleted uranium is good for you and your children", or something 
> along those general lines. Pathetic, truly pathetic - but let us do 
> our best not to let the "experts" and their political mentors get away
> with their attempted cover up! \ 
> Bush's Vietnam By John Pilger* 
> //At the same time, in Afghanistan, the Uranium Medical Research 
> Centre, based in Canada, has made two field studies, with the results 
> described as "shocking". "Without exception," it reported, "at every 
> bomb site investigated, people are ill. A significant portion of the 
> civilian population presents symptoms consistent with internal 
> contamination by uranium." \ 
> Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman 
> //For example, some commentators have suggested that Mr. Bush should 
> be let off the hook as long as there is some interpretation of his 
> prewar statements that is technically true. Really? We're not talking 
> about a business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the 
> contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a nation can 
> make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the nation a misleading impression 
> about the case for war, close textual analysis showing that he didn't 
> literally say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the 
> contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case couldn't stand close 
> scrutiny. \ 
> From the 1776 Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be
> self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by
> their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are 
> Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these 
> Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just 
> Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of 
> Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the 
> People to alter or to abolish it..." 
> -- 
> One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now 
> -- 
> So, What's this then? 
> Britain: Blair government caught out in plagiarism 
> and lies over latest Iraq dossier 
> //Changes that are made are in order to dress Iraqi 
> actions up in more sinister mode. Thus ``monitoring'' 
> foreign embassies becomes ``spying'' on them and 
> ``aiding opposition groups in hostile regimes'' becomes 
> ``supporting terrorist organizations in hostile 
> regimes''\. 
> THEN! 
> BBC refuses to say sorry over Iraq report 
> Welcome my friend to the unjust evil bushite enslavement 
> of Your recognized opinion.. 
> We all KNOW factually, and freely confess without 
> truthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair, 
> "sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then 
> bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their 
> "embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our 
> Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our 
> god given rights Man. Where was and is CNN's corporate 
> concern now for US being robbed and murdered in Iraq 
> today? Should not the Iraqi People be granted the food 
> and medicine they have all ready paid completely for 
> through the generous Saddam in comparison? Where is 
> GOD'S concern for what is scientifically proven to be, 
> WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, a dangerously radio-active, highly 
> toxic depleted uranium war crime attack against 
> ourselves as God in innocence for Generations? The evil 
> bushites are assaulting, our not being defended, 
> children's children's children. Where are these brave 
> men in America I hear so much about in the movies to 
> protect their own families? Who as devolving fascist 
> cowards side not to help themselves gain corporate 
> recognition by supporting the likes of this paper all 
> the way up at CNN headquarters, falling instead as 
> enemies of America with their lies on all Nature stands 
> in God's name, and as the stripes, "We, The People", 
> trumpets from the stars eternal. 
> I, for one, as the Lord of Lords, am calling for an 
> immediate end to heinous injustices committed in bush's 
> name against God, and am now directly challenging ALL 
> who think I'm not completely serious about this, 
> fighting to speak freely as ourselves being alive for 
> the moment gig as Creator.. Now your messing with a 
> real godman of God, and additionally, the Standing 
> Eternal King of Creation, so bow to no one in blind 
> servitude but in respect for yourself in this presence 
> is ours equally Universal. There is indeed wonder as 
> our Universe is also of the unknowable, all of 
> everything everywhere included, timelessness as forever 
> seems here and now for You also. So, are you going to 
> be as those who did nothing while the evil mass 
> murdering demon bush tried to destroy freedom for your 
> Humanity as God included? 
> Respect for ourselves I'm told should surely come soon I 
> hope. UNDERSTAND THIS, CNN and CBC management, have 
> continually refused to interview me, or report on my 
> documented to be factual, real world concerns for our 
> survival as the criminally victimized through corporate 
> censorship. So according to the FBI and CIA 911 
> investigations, still not aired by our disrespecting 
> National News perceivers. 
> OWN. 
> At a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing in 
> March, 2001, Richard Perle, (you know, from rumsfeld's 
> unelected secret circle of war criminals), stated 
> without any collaborative evidence whatsoever "Does 
> Saddam now have weapons of mass destruction? Sure he 
> does. We know he has chemical weapons. We know he has 
> biological weapons. . . . How far he's gone on the 
> nuclear-weapons side I don't think we really know. My 
> guess is it's further than we think. It's always 
> further than we think, because we limit ourselves, as we 
> think about this, to what we're able to prove and 
> demonstrate. . . . And, unless you believe that we 
> have uncovered everything, you have to assume there is 
> more than we're able to report". 
> When the should be gone as incompetent, corrupt, and 
> talentless non-listener bremer, speaks the only reason 
> american nazi soldiers are falling dead as deaf dumb and 
> blind comrades, is due to secular loyalists of Iraq as a 
> People, a people fighting for freedom by representation, 
> does not then bremer, TRULY, beckon for bush's own 
> destruction as the enemy he is to US all? Mr. bremer, 
> the criminal tyrant as traitor of US innocent in Iraq, 
> the unarrested murderer and election saboteur for 
> Halliburton through instability by sacrificing more 
> leaderless soldiers, now openly tells our Soldiers LIES 
> about why they are DYING for him, bush, cheney, 
> Dutch-Shell and Worldcom. Mr. bremer's actions have 
> worked intentionally to increase political instability, 
> by forgoing his main public tasks of creating dialog and 
> consensus, and instead, as tyrant dictator, only offers 
> murder runs on tips from whomever. Pssst.. Kill the 
> demon bush traders American Patriot Soldier to protect 
> Your Freedom and our Nations, or serve as cowardly 
> savages creating more hatred for your bushlike 
> continuing disrespect of human life, and God as Love. 
> What is publicly awarding WorldCom tax payers money, but 
> a further continuation of the secret bushite's criminal 
> plan, a criminal plan of having US made also without 
> questions asked, to blindly overpay tricky Halliburton, 
> Dutch-Shell, along with Suharto and the Pinochet 
> business partners billions of American dollars in 
> overhead for nothing, while with what is left as a 
> pittance is promised for sometime in our future to 
> rebuild what bush and rumsfeld criminally destroyed, 
> after murdering so many in New York City with 911, like 
> Firefighters, and a wise, God loving, Holy Reverend. 
> Where is the HELP for IRAQ as promised after 
> victimizations from an imposed criminal dictatorship 
> that is stealing the resources of US People as Iraqi? 
> After bombing most public institutions with radio-active 
> nuclear waste, then encouraging looting while allowing 
> the ransacking of museums, soldiers still refused to 
> protect nuclear facilities as the threat we were told 
> they were going to die for as parasites. To witness 
> bush bringing further hardships with his inaction in 
> Afghanistan, and now in God's love, Iraq, brings me to 
> great anger. To have Iraq worse now falling plundered, 
> than when Iraq was under the relatively stable, food, 
> water, and security provisions of Saddam's, who was 
> communicating, is a further blatant insult to all those 
> American Soldiers now dead from fighting for something 
> they could never articulate publicly as bushite slaves 
> to willful ignorance they bay as the asinine in secret. 
> While bush tells US as the public, the UN sanctions plan 
> for spending for the governed on continuing health and 
> welfare, is something he, and Jay's replacement bremer, 
> wish to politically appose without question or law? 
> Still? 
> Walter Issacson, or Aaron Brown's CNN would have US as 
> this WORLD in Johnny's presence, believe to BE without 
> any legitimate concern, regarding the franks death 
> squads, the INNOCENT as God at Guantanamo, or 911's 
> General Ahmad as the antiChrist's business partner. 
> Protecting those who murdered thousands of Americans CNN 
> advocates by refusing to air our concerns by priority. 
> Actions of unjust wars deserve at least updates. Don't 
> YOU believe?, you the ignorant as dying bushite 
> soldier?, have a life worth considering? No? Me, 
> personally, think American soldiers are largely, a bunch 
> of mindless dumbfucks without leadership, who cowardly 
> murder the practically defenseless with cluster bombs 
> for no good reasons as nazi traitors to the American 
> constitution, but I wouldn't kill you by association if 
> I didn't have to as all powerful, I'd rather teach the 
> Nature of Freedom through the equality of Justice for 
> all people concerned. As God would naturally. Don't 
> you think I would make for an excellent radio guest? 
> Say so! 
> No billion dollar effort is yet underway, to quickly 
> rebuild the criminal destruction of our civilian 
> infrastructure, but to further fall our communities to 
> evil bush's criminal plunder. I ask as Creation, why 
> should not bush and rumsfeld personally pay with their 
> lives for their planned continuation of war crimes 
> against US all instead? 
> Expect more casualties, warns Rumsfeld 
> See how evil rotten rumsfeld is. He plays like dictator 
> bremer is working for the Iraqi People by stealing our 
> public assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while 
> criminally persecuting the unjustly persecuted. Taking 
> as alleged, from Iraqis as the completely innocent 
> bremer boasts him and 911's rumsfeld will continue 
> protected, hiding behind the growing more disturbingly 
> ignorant as cowardly, uninformed traitorous American 
> Patriot Soldiers? How long my friends? How long must 
> Our God wait for One true Patriot to whom we are all 
> relying on maybe existing, to stand for Justice as 
> Freedom?, you know, the good old red, white, and blue as 
> Salutable? Evil bremer tells US he wants to criminally 
> harm those who tried to make Iraq something better as 
> secularists in a one party only government, those of 
> whom we were told, were restrained as victimized under 
> Saddam's edge as tyrannical. Now bremer, as war crime 
> director, wants to further persecute ourselves without 
> public charges? Like in bush's personal america under 
> ashcroft issues? While demon bush now goals to invite 
> the corrupt Wahabbi's Vinnell, the repressive Allah 
> haters, the dark evil side to Jihad, to suffer ourselves 
> even more hardships against freedom everywhere? How 
> long must the People of our World die for Americans to 
> stand up against the bush demon God betrayer? Where are 
> the CNN and CBC producer voices, (who refuse as 
> supporters of tyranny, to respond to any community 
> interaction on our top priority issues) as our OWN 
> regarding the concentration camps where evil nazi forces 
> murder our friends and family as the completely 
> innocent? 
> Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military 
> interrogation base 
> Where are we STILL?, with the LOYAL FBI and CIA 911 
> investigations made public?, while corporate news 
> control continues to deny Justice a voice for YOUR 
> freedom actually dying my friend? I am really the 
> fictional Son of Man, Johnny Wizard, and bush as 
> AntiChrist, is actually, for real, actively destroying 
> Our innocent lives as an enemy to all People, especially 
> Americans, as they fall further unjustly as victims 
> enslaved by their own cowardice to stand strong as an 
> army for love. I, as King, need your help to request I 
> be spoken of, for by myself, you sound like someone 
> nobody could care less for. As the benevolent, haven't 
> asked for much yet King of this Universe, I am 
> legitimately pissed off with the unarrested demon bush 
> and his murder rampages against Our Eternal Creation, so 
> destroy bush for Love my friend, or for Justice as 
> Freedom, or, for Yourself even as worth something to 
> consider... please? 
> 10 Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq 
> From: Cheney And The CIA: Not Business As Usual 
> //"the fact that Cheney's office had originally asked 
> that the Iraq-Niger report be checked out makes it 
> inconceivable that his office would not have been 
> informed of the results."\ 
> Growing WMD Scandal Could Lead to Impeachment 
> //The Bush Administration didn't have proof, so they 
> spent last fall making it up. As Robin Cook, who 
> resigned from Tony Blair's cabinet over the war, told 
> the British Parliament: "Instead of using intelligence 
> as evidence on which to base a decision about policy, we 
> used intelligence as the basis to justify a policy on 
> which we had already decided."\ 
> //GSM Consulting, skilled in stopping oil-well fires and 
> rebuilding petroleum services, had been told, in a 
> Defense Department letter dated Dec. 30, 2002, that "it 
> is too early to speculate" about Iraq "in the event that 
> war breaks out in the region."\ 
> Pentagon Iraq Contractor Has History Of Supporting 
> Terrorist Regimes 
> -- 
> Where is America on bush funding criminal enterprises 
> with our public money, such as with Uzbekistan, or 
> Haliburton setting their own uncontended double cost 
> expenses, privately in secret to rob further from a 
> soldier's tolled grandmom? Does the contemptuous CNN's 
> continuing silence on bush allowing history's largest 
> American pension thieves, the unarrested billionaires at 
> Worldcom, to have criminal privileges over the rights of 
> the average Iraqi citizen being further denied Justice, 
> anger you to no end like all the Saints from Heaven 
> would be also? 
> From: Guess who's getting a slice of Iraqi pie? The 
> fraud king, WorldCom 
> Where is the immediate DEMAND to return Iraq to where we 
> were before the toxic and radioactive 28,000 bombs were 
> dropped by the demon bush to let criminally murder our 
> family, while destroying God's infrastructure, all so 
> demon bush could include sacrificing dmfkd no leadership 
> soldiers, while stealing from US tax payers as 
> unprotected? How long will it be when Americans finally 
> stand up for American freedom? 
> I'd destroy demon traitor bush in a second, as any real 
> brave American Patriot would to be a real Man in God's 
> honour. 
> Johnny Wizard 
> P.S. Look, isn't stealing property from a honest, hard 
> working family in the Likud party's name, then sending 
> our victimized family with only the shirts on their back 
> to a refugee camp, a despicable criminal theft, 
> perpetrated by bigotry disguised as racism against God 
> ruled unjustly? The Palestinians are Jewish! The 
> Palestinians are Catholics! The Palestinians are 
> Atheist as Arabs too! The Palestinians are US as the 
> neighborhood children of Israel. Wouldn't the great 
> Judaic teacher, Hillel, condemn sharon straight to 
> prison?, with his words a living testimony still 
> relevant today? Or, think, would sharon appreciate we 
> steal a honest Persons home and all his money, then send 
> the lot to a concentration camp somewhere for good 
> riddance? Mr. sharon is the biggest anti-Semite of 
> history, as king of the Jew haters. Hitler wasn't even 
> so heinous in his public delivery. See, with Peace in 
> the middle east, so goes the reason to pay criminal 
> thugs billions to "protect" US from being robbed and 
> murdered. The Likud steals openly, property as the 
> living rights of individuals to be Jews. (And also 
> tried to blow up the Mexican Parliament as terrorists, 
> but were caught trying to get away unreported.) In 
> Israel, the Likud has anti-discrimination laws that only 
> apply to "jews"! Classifying G-D politically as 
> unworthy participator! When being REALLY Jewish, 
> includes especially, History's beautiful black women in 
> Ethiopia over the last 1800 so years as longed, but 
> never forgotten. (Hmm... I wonder if they'd let me 
> come over for a visit as appreciated?) 
> Anyway, can you give yourself some help here please? 
> -- 
> We CAN stop bush with Justice for Freedom. 
> It's Just, If only americans weren't so enslaved as dying bushites, 
> that willingly allow bush to rob and sacrifice their own families in 
> gratitude to his hatred for God and Humanity. 
> What was the cooperating, communicating, open to our world for 
> disscussions Saddam doing, that a bushite could remedy by asking? Was 
> it torturing innocent people to death like at Guantanamo? Or, stealing
> pensions like with Worldcom, or Enron? Or perhaps, letting the 9/11 
> perpetrators escape from prosecution? Maybe, killing his own american 
> People? 
> Does the do gooder God of Heaven, hold no place in your heart as 
> worthy? 
> Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying 
> our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager 
> assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while dumping radio-active 
> toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so 
> bush, their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for 
> his re-election campaign? 
> What do you feel about poisoning American troops for no good reason? 
> Do you notice, no one can explain why such a poison would be self fed 
> to the dumfuk cowardly troops? Too weak and stupid to even publicly 
> discuss the issue. 
> Why? Because their not real men, but largely illiterate, cowardly, 
> facist nazi vermin, traitors to their own Family and Neighbours as 
> they shit on the American flag and all that freedom represents 
> constitutionally. Echem, bush is still smirking over their life and 
> death sacrifices for halliburton and Dutch-Shell. Cowards, weak and 
> stupid, are all proud American bushited soldiers. Too cowardly and 
> weak to even talk about their own devaluations, while they fall maimed
> or dead as bushwhore victims. I'd destroy any proud nazi soldier who 
> purposefully war crimes our children and families in Iraq and 
> elsewheres, while serving for the director of Kissinger( Suharto and 
> Pinocet) Associates, the talantless criminal DICTATOR Bremer, who as 
> traitor to the WORLD, had arrested those Jay Gardner allowed to start 
> organizing elections for promised freedoms. (You know?, why Our 
> American soldiers were told their sacrificing their lives for now 
> instead of the non-existent weapons evidence?) 
> CNN and CBC PURPOSEFULLY portray OUR SOLDIERS as having no comments, 
> or are too afraid as fascists to even public speak out for themselves 
> and their dead comrads,leaving bush's corporate america to continue 
> devolving the once great American dream by further open piracy. All in
> blind sacrifice for the 9/11 criminal traitor, the American cop 
> killer, Our Mr. bush Jr., the antiChrist. A puny mortal! 
> Does the do gooder God of Heaven, hold no place in America's heart as 
> worthy? 
> God could sure use our support right about now. 
> -- 
> Look, 
> No one denies that DU, is dangerously radioactive, and highly toxic, 
> and that as much as 30 percent of the munition oxodizes into 
> microscopic particles that can be inhaled. CBC and CNN refuse to 
> address the top priority issue, and would rather leave US ALL to 
> suffer 
> further for our ignorance. Phone them yourself and hear what evil is, 
> when no follow up is done to benefit our communities, our police 
> agencies, or our families. 
> There was NO REASON to blow up public Iraqi institutions with this 
> form of weaponry that indisriminately murders for generations. A 
> conventional bomb would have told the same evil criminal act, but not 
> included neibourhood children, or cowardly bushwhore soldiers who 
> refuse to protect their families as their dying flag. 
> -- 
> Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying 
> our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager 
> assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliberton, while dumping radio-active 
> toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so bush,
> their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for his 
> re-election campaign? 
> Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction: 
> Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense? 
> -- 
> FROM "Standing Ground" 
> "Why would bush and rumsfeld not want to arrest the 
> perpetrators of 9/11 I ask you cowardly nazi american 
> bushwhore victims?" 
> Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted 
> Uranium (DU) 
> Text of Dr. Doug Rokke Speaking in California, 21.04.03 
> -- 
> Humanity never took to the demon bush's performance, of excepting his 
> faulty conclusions on our intelligence services position through the 
> Iraq situation. Now, we're expected under corporate news control to 
> further deify bush into blindly believing the actions taken so far, 
> for US people over there in Iraq, have been somehow in our benefits as
> the unseen. While the terrorists of Dutch-Shell, and the repeatedly 
> convicted for massive fraud against the American People without handed
> prison sentences, Halliberton, caters to the pirates at the Iraqi 
> palaces. 
> Can evil bush or rotten rumsfeld explain to anyone publicly the 
> declaration founding the Office of the Coalition Provisional 
> Authority, OCPA, (Used to be ORHA, office of reconstruction and 
> HUMANITAIRIAN ASSISTANCE) the colonial regime now criminally occupying
> the country, stating in its preamble that it "will help alleviate 
> dependence on humanitarian assistance", while as of yet, no concerted 
> effort has been waged to restore stability to the Iraqi people with 
> the basic necessities for life, uncontaminated air, clean water, and 
> their own food Saddam already paid billions "of his own 
> money" for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten 
> rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is 
> anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed 
> by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real 
> leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken 
> by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at 
> media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at 
> Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability 
> in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad
> funders Shell, and cheney's alter, halliberton, can profit off 
> YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don't look to me as your 
> cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being 
> victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom 
> through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors, 
> who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can't 
> help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
> We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events 
> up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and
> rotten rumsfeld's blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity. 
> Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day 
> alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax 
> from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular 
> hobby that doesn't directly address our real world plights 
> falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of 
> lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families. 
> Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
> ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in 
> servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA 
> report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves 
> blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D 
> un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of 
> freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials 
> disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and 
> ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to 
> further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's 
> Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for 
> their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself 
> and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our 
> media services should be helping garner support for our causes 
> politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When 
> bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our 
> public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill 
> US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills 
> US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this, 
> bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical 
> importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide 
> bush's ill will for all as the denied humans. With the 
> subsequent growing overall perception world-wide, of American 
> cowardice to stand against huge injustices against God committed 
> openly in their names politically pirated. As I said, mentally 
> deranged bush is evil himself, and Patriots need to find the faith in 
> yourself to believe we need you. 
> Please, 
> King Johnny 
> -- 
> Standing Ground 
> What was Saddam doing that we could have fought for 
> betterment by simply communicating over those who 
> couldn't care less as criminals? Left sacrificed for 
> the lying evil bushites, stealing our resources that are 
> God's thank you for a job done well. Our praise for 
> Love. The evil pirate bush is leaving our friends and 
> family dead broke as murder victims unfactored 
> politically speaking by corporate news censorship. The 
> corporate bushites are depicting Americans like they 
> have no concern, or would have, regarding the NEEDLESS 
> radio-active contamination of "The People" as top 
> priority news material, never mind God's uncounted 
> innocent suffering for bush in other realms, while YOU, 
> yes YOU, reader, are left continually denied to PUBLIC 
> newscasts for openly challenging ANYONE who agrees with 
> the falsehoods we're being force fed, regarding bush's 
> murder rampages as a terrorist harbor, and 9/11 
> perpetrator. An American cop killer is Our Mr. bush 
> Jr.. Newsweek reported that bush doesn't want Americans 
> to know he was personally warned of an imminent 
> terrorist act, involving a suicide run high-jacking, of 
> which after warning Ashcroft to stay off of commercial 
> flights, devised an invasion of Afghanistan plan with 
> General Ahmad, Condoleeza, and others, to blame bin 
> Laden for some new crime, that had yet, no evidence 
> connected to. Something new and BIG to start a war 
> against Afghanistan with. For Enron. Just prior to 
> 9/11. Secretly. To throw away innocent lives. Like 
> American soldiers as practically brain dead already. 
> The atheist General already KNEW no evidence would be 
> criminal intent against Allah as all People. Example: 
> With any evidence for say, the Cole bombing, would have, 
> if existed, garnered Laden's deportation by the American 
> flag waving Justice supporters, and spoiled the labored, 
> top secret Presidential Directive evil bushite plan for 
> criminal invasion of our world body politic (revealed by 
> MSNBC). As was so threatened by the bushites against 
> the Taliban would happen, (Niaz Niak) for not siding 
> with Centgas and American pension thieves Enron, and 
> instead, as the Taliban had done, gone for the better 
> business offer from Argentina's Bridas. Had any 
> evidence been brought out publicly by bush against 
> Laden, his arrest and public trial would have been 
> assured. Living does order so, no contest, but no.. 
> the false deity criminal demon bush, actually said we 
> didn't need to follow the criminal leads to protect 
> Justice and Freedom, then told US to take off our 
> thinking caps, while he and cheney worked as traitors to 
> stop outstanding questions by refusing to listen to 
> American freedom fighters, including the FBI and CIA 
> investigated conclusions made public, but ignored by 
> Arron Brown, or super dweeb Bill Hemmer. Mr. Bush's 
> business partner, General Ahmad, according to the FBI, 
> was directly connected to the funding of 9/11's 
> mastermind, Mohamed Atta. That's right. Mr. Bush's 
> invasion strategy of Afghanistan, and 9/11 are 
> intimately connected through the General who was 
> smoozing with bush's secret inner circle, two days prior 
> to 9/11. At the WhiteHouse. Getting ready to perform, 
> the invade Afghanistan without any evidence plan. 
> Confessed later publicly as to why he was there then 
> ready. An invasion that Blair told us couldn't have 
> happened, but for the lucky, world trade centers 
> incident. Get your life in hand Soldier, and destroy 
> Our unarrested Mr. bush Jr., or, continue to turn 
> against your own comrades and family while unjustly 
> dying as a cowardly betrayer to God's America, and 
> freedom to all everywhere. 
> What does the classified Defence Intelligence Agency's 
> complete assessment summarized for the Pentagon 
> regarding Iraq in Sept 2002, "THERE IS NO RELIABLE 
> information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling 
> chemical weapons" tell you? Or Greg Theilmann, a 
> recently retired State Department intelligence analyst, 
> directly involved in assessing the Iraqi threat, saying 
> that "there is a lot of sorrow and anger at the way 
> intelligence was misused". Or how about rumsfeld's 
> personal private intelligence team, (two three four or 
> five not publicly elected, secret saboteurs of public 
> accountability) of having "cherry-picked the 
> intelligence stream" to make it seem like dying American 
> soldiers make for good war profiteering? Or Vince 
> Cannistraro, former CHIEF of the CIA counterterrorist 
> operations, describing intelligence officers who blame 
> the Pentagon for proffering "fraudulent" intelligence, 
> "a lot of it sourced from the Iraqi National Congress of 
> Ahmad Chalabi." Chalabi who gave out millions of earned 
> dollars in bad loans to himself as banker, then quickly 
> fled the country of Jordan as disappeared, before an 
> investigation had even formally begun? Finally, how 
> about 35 year veteran, Colonel Doug Rokke, Ph.D. as the 
> Senate commissioned Army's foremost authority on DU 
> toxicity, of which he will tell you Soldier as a 
> scientist with tools for measurement, DU is needlessly 
> killing American service People for our lack of concern 
> for ourselves at corporate news control. No reason to 
> be dying! Are not American soldiers, American people to 
> CNN also? 
> Again, Saddam pro-actively gave the world 100% access to 
> anywhere unrestricted, to complain or make better 
> anything, and offered the national Iraqi airwaves to 
> bush personally, to state his contentions to want mass 
> murders against ourselves as the innocent. No Iraqi, or 
> American soldier was needed for sacrifice, but only to 
> let Halliberton take more than is bargained from The 
> People as victims. American, and Iraqi. It has also 
> been reported the bush administration, particularly 
> Powell, would have likely known secretly, that the 
> widely praised Kamel, you know, Hussein Kamel, the 
> foremost authority on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction 
> programs?, indicated to UNSCOM in 1995, with his records 
> he stole when he defected, the WMD were destroyed for 
> good reasons. The 1.5 tons of VX sited, predates 1991, 
> and HAD a viable shelf life of no more than eight weeks, 
> while provided in part to Saddam, CRIMINALLY, by 
> american associates to steal more innocent lives. 
> Bremer? Never mind the fact recently disclosed, again, 
> that the reason not all can ever be accounted for, is 
> the years old burnt remains haven't revealed exact 
> quantities of anthrax. Therefor, the UN, couldn't give 
> Iraq any benefit, no matter what, never could, under 
> bush dictates, STILL, and, bush is now wagering, 
> Americans must continue to ignore American principles, 
> all recent history, including everything he said two 
> weeks previous, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, 
> GOD, and suffer as sacrificed cowards to the further 
> criminal dictatorship of Our foolish Mr. Bush Jr.. 
> Where was Kofi, or Blix to speak of the unfairness of 
> the bushites impossible requests on disclosing illegally 
> provided american savagery? Where is Kofi to speak for 
> US People being poisoned by radio-active depleted 
> uranium as anyone? ANYONE! Now we have the UN refusing 
> to protect the interests of US Iraqi People, by letting 
> the demon bushites seize criminally all assets, while 
> formally proclaiming through the UN uncontested, the 
> tyrant bush won't be accountable to any rules of law, 
> when it comes to accounting for our stolen money. Or, 
> like karma, American tax payers secretly paying 
> Haliburton 490 MILLION overhead, without free market 
> protections, on top of fifty thousand a day salaries, 
> ALL because nationally, THEY're willing to go silently 
> as censored while bush robs from US "People" way over in 
> the Far East somewheres. Did you hear of Powell, quoted 
> stating, "There were weapons of mass destruction in 
> Iraq. It wasn't a figment of anyone's imagination,"? 
> Of course that is not what is, or what was disputed 
> factually, or at issue, so, Powell reportingly followed 
> up to cover his intentional inacuracy with risking 
> American lives by splurting further, "What we have to do 
> now is not get trapped in the long-winded debate about 
> what was known and not known,". 
> We knew we were right, before we were wronged. 
> Let us throw in Powell for public trial also under 
> treason Along with bush, rumsefeld, blair and franks, 
> and maybe too, cheney, for looking so suspicious. 
> Nature's natural progression for humanity is to 
> intelligent progression by collective design with our 
> freedoms in the balance through laws, or death by 
> regression through failures to communicate against 
> irrational, unjust acts openly perpetrated in our names 
> as forfeited, under Our evil Mr. bush Jr., the for real 
> demon antichrist, figured in disguise. 
> You are now christened as someone who has read of the 
> great once secret, true American Patriot, pleading for 
> help to save God as ourselves, 
> Johnny Wizard 
> P.S. Do you think you could find it in your dark heart 
> to forward myself through OUR media, to instigate lively 
> debate, or perhaps spare a paltry five minutes of help 
> for your own survival by instinct? Is it just too much 
> to ask you as a fellow human being, to help US out with 
> a true care for living? Call out on Justice to save one 
> as worthy to hear Nature's praise, or don't, and 
> deservingly fall to US as deceived blind traitor, a 
> betrayer like bush to yourself and Humanity's family, as 
> all of Creation is this Universe as God's Son too. Oh 
> Yeah way! 
> --- 
> Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted 
> Uranium (DU) 
> Text of Dr. Doug Rokke Speaking in California, 21.04.03 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops 
> > > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means 