Amani <> wrote :

> "Ramandu" <ramandu3atNOJUNKyahoodotcom> wrote in message
> news:a21e680bc2156b3e7134888441cfdd68@TeraNews...
> > Okay, I'm delurking because I saw how truly prolific hentai threads can
> be. Rei,
> > Asuka, and Misato's, um, potentials seem to have been discussed to death,
> so
> > here's a question for you hentai fre -- I mean aficionados: If for some
> reason
> > only males came back to the real world in EoE, and you were going to be
> stuck in
> > this world...  Whom would you end up checking out first: Shinji, Kensuke,
> or
> > Toji?  (You have other choices, though I doubt some of them will be coming
> back:
> > Gendo's dead for good, same with Kaji, and Keele [if your tastes resemble
> > Smithers'] probably won't want to come back, him being finally released
> from the
> > world after being the Wandering Jew and all.)
> Score! Question a female can answer. (Even if it wasn't addressed to me, and
> I'm not among the hentai freaks.) Touji, in an instant. Love that boy to
> death.

He does have that tough-guy-with-a-sensitive-side thing going for him.

> (And that ridiculous Wandering Jew theory has absolutely NO proof or basis.)

I know, but it's still fun.
