In article <av9ovt$ffq0$>, says...
>> (You know, the speculation is that we didn't HAVE to end
>> up as LCL goo.  The one who controlled Instrumentality
>> decided what the perfect world would be.  And for Shinji,
>> always unable to connect to others, a world with *no*
>> ATF fields, no barriers between people, would be perfect...)
>Ok Adam is the first angel then, and Lilith is the second angel. Lilith is
>humanities mother and Adam is the father of the Angel's. 

Don't know their actual order, or even if they're actually 
female and male in a way we'd understand.  Heck, they
might even be halfs of the same being split in two in
First Impact.

>So what does happen
>during the Third Impact, it seems to me that the Third Impact is unique for
>everyone. Shinji seems to come to grips with all his fears and doubts, and
>The End of Evangelion episodes seem to go along with this. I was under the
>impression that everyone became one being.

Yep.  Rei the Angel of Death comes for everyone, the AT 
fields go down, and we all turn into LCL fluid and flow 
together into one great big puddle.


> I understand now better the
>relationship between SEELE and Gendo Ikari, but I am still not sure what
>exactly each of them had in mind for Third Impact, but I don't remember 
>being stated specifically.

Gendo was focused on getting Yui back.  What the merry men of 
SEELE wanted - beyond being the ones to call the shots -
is unknown.