Hi   everyone.

I tell about knee-drop Seoi-nage in Japanese.
We have a rule for children (under 15 years old) in Kodokan rule.
Of course, knee-drop Seoinage is not allowed.
If one player does the seoin-age , referee gives "Chuui" to the player .
When the player do it , there are some serious injuries on his neck and back
So in Kodokan Junior rule, it is not allowed , and given "Chuui " ,not "Shido".
And sudden "Morote-gari " and " Kani-basami" and " Neck-drop Uchimata " too.
We must notice to health and safty of children .


Hitoshi (JAPAN)

MatMite wrote in message <20021212185423.29691.00000013@mb-cv.news.cs.com>...
>At what age should children be taught drop-knee  seionage.  At our local
>tournaments drop knee is not allowed in the children's matches.  The reason is
>that the younger children never twist during the throw, (even though they are
>taught to in the Dojo) they just make their entry, drop and pull their opponent
>straight into the mat face first. There is a very big risk factor with this
>throw until they get to the age where they understand the mechanics of the
>throw. Have any of you had any experience with this problem?