"Jigotai" <jigo@ono.es> schreef in bericht
> As you will know, I am spanish, nidan and referee (so good referee :-) ).
> would like to now your impressions about the changes of the rules of
> comeptitions. Since JEJU games, some things have change in refereeing and
> would like to know if this rules have been introduced in your countries.

Angel as far as these rules concern, they are not officially yet but the are
on trail as I'm informed by the dutch Judo association.
So they are not yet used in judging at the moment here. IJF has done that
more lately, and used European championchips and other international A-class
tournaments for this tests.
> The most important changes, for me, that both chui and keikoku disappear
> sanction. Only shido (soft sanction) and hansokumake (hard sanction)
> as sanction. Soft sanctions are when there are any infraction of the
> tactics (false attack, lack of combativity, pocket catching, gun catching,
> do-jime, defensive attitude, etc...). Hard sanctions are when there are
> danger for personal integrity of any of contestants and/or is against the
> Spirit of Judo (doing Kawazu-gake, doing kansetsu-waza anywhere but elbow,
> do not hearing referee instructions, etc...). Now, shido is the only
> sanctino that we could hear during a combat. A shido will be a koka for
> opponent; two shidos, a yuko; three shidos, a waza-ari. The next shido
> be be automatically a hansokumake for infractor (four shidos = ippon).
> Anyway, a hansokumake can be called in any moment of the combat.
I think this is a good change in order to make the sanctions and the
counting of changes for the spectators more transparant. For the referee I
think the decision which sanction to give is more natural, and by that wil
be easier as with the shido, chui, keikoku situation now.
> As far as ritsurei is concerned, IJF has proposed that both contestant
> have to do "rei" when they are on their combat position and under the
> control of the referee. If a contestant doesn't do "ritsurei" Referee
> "invite" (calling "rei!") to do it. Ritsurei when contestant go in on
> zone are not required.

I think this is a pity, for it is one of the charmes of Judo to show your
respect and honest intentions by to do rei at entering and leaving the dojo
and the tatami. I know I'm some what traditional here, but lately we have
seen some movement in IJF to to using rei.
> Other change is about "medical calling". When some contestant needs
> assistance, chair referees will stay on their chairs controlling all
> situation. Only central referee will stay near injured contestant and
> doctor. If needed, central referee can call both chair referees.

I think this a good ruling. at present it becomes a bit crowded when all
referees come on the tatami around the injured player. In this situation the
central referee can give his full attention to the situation around the
injury and the chair referees can give thier attention to the other
contestor and situations around the tatami to keep good order and quick
action for resolving the problem.
> Comments will be wllecome.
> Personally, I haven't done no competition with this new rules. I think I
> will have some problems with news concepts. I will begin the refereeing
> season on january, because here in Spain, senior competitio are on
> and december (even on january as Spanish Championships). I do not referee
> this competitions yet. U23 is the highest cathegory I have been as
> I hope I can be on a senior competition on december next year.
> Best regards
> Angel (Spain)
> Nidan
Angel I neither did any ruling based on this new rules. So every thing I
wrote above is just my feeling about the impact on the sport. I myself are a
sho dan and C-class referee. This meens that I act on regional tournaments
for youth til about 20 years. By that I'm  way back from senior ruling, but
stil these youth contests are prity heavy too and give me a good feeling in
contributing to the Judo sport fore those that mostly wil never reach
national or higher noveau in competition, but just have fun in doing there

Best regards

Julius (Holland)