Re: Rei's desires
In article <newscache$0jmxyg$jv3$>, says...
>> "Paradise Lost" and its semi-sister publication "Angelic Impact"
>> were two long running hentai doujin anthology series that
>> presented short stories set in the Eva universe. Sort of
>> like "Lunatic Party" did for Sailor Moon. Some stories were
>> funny, some were tragic, all featured copious nudity and
>> bodily fluids, and a few got into what actually makes these
>> people tick.
>Hey, I thought you were the one that gave me the impression it actually
>a serious alternate storyline!
As it's an anthology series, you get stories that cover the
spectrum. As long as they're hentai, they can range from
funny to horrific, serious to absurd. Some actually devote
considerable effort into imagining what might bring Rei to
Shinji's arms (or vice versa); others are of the Plot What
Plot school in which sex happens spontaneously and without
regard to character. Fortunately the latter are usually
They're interesting reads. As long as you can read - or,
as in my case, bumble - your way though Japanese.
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